Wednesday, April 1, 2015


PHOTO: Anthony Stokes was killed during a police chase.

Anthony Stokes, 17, was driving a car that matched the description of a car used to flee a home burglary, in which a masked person allegedly shot a gun at an 81-year-old woman who was home, Roswell Police spokeswoman Officer Lisa Holland told ABC News.
The driver allegedly refused to stop, and they chased him. "The car lost control at an intersection, ran over a curb, hit a pedestrian and ran into big, metal pole," Holland said.
Stokes had an enlarged heart in 2013 and was given six months to live without a heart transplant. At the time, doctors said they wouldn't give him a transplant because of "noncompliance," which means they didn't think he could be trusted to follow medical directions.
His mother told ABC News, at the time, that she thought doctors made their decision to deny Anthony because he had low grades and trouble with the law.   Stokes died from injuries sustained in the crash.                   Why running from the police? It always end badly.
Just a thought.

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