Friday, May 17, 2013


Image result for Pyramids and Sphinx

After the collapse of world economies in 2008, the US Federal Reserve started printing money, buying US Treasuries and Bonds.   This was called Quantitative Easing or "QE"

This went in three stages of QE1, QE2 and QE infiniti. It helped the US economy, employment, Wall Street, Housing, and Auto Industries drastically.

Printing money is a common practice in the World Economics, China, Europe, etc., based on certain economic principles.

Japan was the latest to print money and buy bonds, lots of it. The Dollar equaled  80 Yen, now 102 Yen in just 2 months. Yet this low value of the Yen will help Japanese exports, spurs economic activities, and quickly.   Ironic huhh!!

In Egypt, the Dollar equaled 0.3 Egyptian LB at one point. Then became equals to 3 E. LB, and currently one Dollar equals 6 Egyptian Pounds.

By comparsion, with currency's easing, one expect that Egypt would have a boom in economics, low unemployment and very comfortable living in the land of the Pharos. Sadly that is not the case.

There is much more to economics than just printing. Adam Smith principles of 1776,  Human Rights of 4000 years B.C. may give the boost needed..... Tourism.       Just a thought.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Teddy, the man in the arena


It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Who is fighting who?

The issue of Syria is getting too complicated by the minute.

Some Syrians believe that young Assad is good for the Country, the minority, and many are still defending the government. Others had hopes to follow the Arab spring, but more, apparently, do not.

Hizbollah fighters and fanatics from Europe are now fighting with and against the Syrian government. That complicated the status as foreigners are playing a role which is not clear.

Jordan, Saudis and Israel are concerned about foreign fighters in Syria. Russia and China are on the side of Syria. EU provides small arms to the rebels, and USA complains from so many civilian deaths.

President Obama warned the Syrian from using Chemical weapons, but some may use it to bring the American boots on the ground. A repeat of the Iraq war.

Who can we support? Not the rebels. What happened if the regime collapsed with so many foreign fighters there?

Who gets the chemical weapons? Who smuggles it, and who use it against who?

To be or not to be, "in Syria", that's the question.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lose Weight-Stay Young

Last week I acquired a muscle shirt, size Small, to mark the occasion of loosing 20 LB so far. I moved from Large to Medium then to small size and from overweight to normal size according to the BMI.

The change occurred is noticed by my coworkers and myself. I have more energy, more time in the day, and I am doing more.

Not carrying 20 LB extra, Day and Night, is a life changing experience.

We don't get older. We grow heavier as we age. One pound a year would add 30 LB to your weight fast.  This is the cause of many diseases and long life struggle.

Age is "just a number" if you don't have the extra weight around your waist.

The extra pounds are not just a number, it add more age to your real one. It is also a cause for alarm.

Please seek help, it is not difficult to loose weight with today's knowledge.

Just a thought.

USA's Good Economics

On October 2007, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 14,100. The oil prices reached $147/Barrel. 

From then the market went down extensively with the collapse of the financials and the Real Estate subprime. Job Creation was Negative of 800 k per month. The DOW reached a low of 6500, and oil around $70/ Barrel, .

This week the DOW reached 14,300. The oil reached $90/B and the financials are improving dramatically. The job creation reached positive 240K.

This year the GDP is estimated to reach 3% up from 2% . Real Estate is improving and the auto Industry is doing fantastic. Financials are improving faster since the housing market is improving.

The legislators, in my humble opinion, have done brilliantly.

The "Fiscal Cliff" Bush tax cut ended up with 80 Billion Dollars/Y revenue. The "Sequester" ended up with cuts of 85 Billion Dollars a year. These cuts and the improved revenue, will have the economy take off. In addition, this will reduce USA debt tremendously.

This is much similar to the time of Bill Clinton with a twist.

USA will produce more oil than Saudi Arabia very soon and the trade imbalance is shrinking. New car efficient scale and the use of natural gas for transportation, a new economy emerging which we didn't have before.

Combined with OBAMA Care, end of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, a well deserved Nobel Price.

It is a brighter outlook for the economy this coming few years. Invest accordingly.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Helicopter Ben

Bernanke is a modest income man with many rich opponents and critics. His decisions can take the economy or an industry through the roof.

In 2004, 05, 06 big games of deception in the Housing market  took place and the outcome was terrible.

In 2008, it all came crashing down.  "Wall Street", the Banks, Financial Institutions, and the world money market collapsed. Seven Trillion Dollars evaporated, and that only was the beginning.

Housing collapsed, Financial Institutions sold to banks, and Auto Industry bankrupted.
The Dow 14000 goes down to 6000 by March, 2009, Unemployment is 10.7%, 

The world looked to US Treasury and the Federal Reserve for help.

TARP was created to help the banks, AIG was bailed for 180 Billion Dollars, Auto Industry revamped, and the Feds "Quantitative Easing" Began, three trillion dollars.

"Don't fight the Fed" is the best advise any can give.

TARP all paid back but small amount. AIG's paid with profit of 27 Billion Dollors. Unemployment down to 7.8%, Auto industry is back and the DOW is 13000 by 2012.

The last decision of the Fed is to target unemployment to 6.5% and inflate the economy 2.5%.

So there is someone working on your behalf.

Say Happy Birthday to the man of this decade.....

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff.. Kicking the can

The Cliff 0f 2012

We all are concerned about the cliff. Higher taxes on everybody, less investment, slower economic activities and may be a recession.

To solve the problem, politicians are negociating something we don't know what.

Here is a summery of what will happen
  • Housing deductions: One Trillion Dollars tax revenue goes to the Banks.
  • Social Security: cost $730 Billions, goes to small business and Medicare.
  • Medicare: is $770 Billions, goes to hospitals, Doctors, Nursing homes, Insurances
  • Business deductions: goes to other businesses and bonuses
  • Defence industries: goes to big businesses and then funnelled to small.
  • Taxes on the Wealthy: The smallest out of all.
We need 420 Billion dollors down annualy out of all the above. Not hard to do.
We all are going to be ok, Rich, Middle and Poor.

The solution will cover the coming 10 years. Businesses will flourish. Then, the rest is kicking the can down further as new decisions and circumstances develop.

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."   Just a thought.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The "Quite" War...

Hamas Leader's car

The price of Oil and the cause of War

Oil is the major comodity traded worldwide.  Prices reached $147/Barrell at one time and now around $85/Barrell. Countries who have it are rich.

USA, the largest consumer of 19 Million Barrels/day, took steps to reduce the consumption.

The IEA anounced that USA would be a major oil producer, exceeding Saudi Arabia, by 2020 and energy suffecient by 2035. This may happens sooner if we turned to Natural Gas.

Iran can't sell enough oil to support its economy due to the current embargo.

The Gaza rockets attack on Israel and the expected retaliation increases oil prices up    $4/B but is going back.

As the oil supply increases, and USA's utilization decreases, the Middle East will change dramatically. It will quite down the desire for war.... greatly. The oil becomes a regular, low price product with no connection to any conflict. A boring time for many.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

After-The Election

The Election process is the greatest exercise of our Democracy. It gets us a great reward. 
Some may have been disappointed at the 2012 outcome... 50 Millions of them.

However we put our foot down, drawn a line in the sand.

We need and want:
Reinventing the US Economy
jobs for everyone who needs it
Strengthen the Social network for retired American citizens in living expenses and or Healthcare.

  • No more war, in Afghanistan, Iraqi, Syria, or Iran.  No more killing, no more losses of young people's lives, limbs, and no more families destroyed.
  • No more dependence on foreign oil. A barrel that reached $147 at one point.
  • No more collapse of the economy and housing market. No more Banks playing the "now you see now you don't".
  • No fiscal Cliff.
  • No more US huge debt.
Not much to ask for, is isn't it?

We gave the officials three years to achieve it or we vote them out.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

.Sandy's wrath.

The impact of huracaine Sandy was beyond expectation. Powerfull, destructive wind and water. Some areas were on fire, houses washed away, electrical grid damaged, transportation stopped and hospitals flooded.  Millions are in so much trouble.         

We looked to the government for immediate relief.

Food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, shelter to those without, cloths to the needy, hospital to the sick, and home visit to the elderly. 

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me." 

Big Government or not .. pay your fair share, and donate some extra to the relief efforts. You and your loved ones are lucky.... survived.