Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lose Weight-Stay Young

Last week I acquired a muscle shirt, size Small, to mark the occasion of loosing 20 LB so far. I moved from Large to Medium then to small size and from overweight to normal size according to the BMI.

The change occurred is noticed by my coworkers and myself. I have more energy, more time in the day, and I am doing more.

Not carrying 20 LB extra, Day and Night, is a life changing experience.

We don't get older. We grow heavier as we age. One pound a year would add 30 LB to your weight fast.  This is the cause of many diseases and long life struggle.

Age is "just a number" if you don't have the extra weight around your waist.

The extra pounds are not just a number, it add more age to your real one. It is also a cause for alarm.

Please seek help, it is not difficult to loose weight with today's knowledge.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 15lb?! That's great! (by the way, I didn't notice that you needed to lose any weight) How did you lose it?
