Thursday, March 14, 2019


March 15, 2019


Image result for warren pocahontas

This is the biggest scandal in higher education since the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren got two tenured Ivy League professorships as a “woman of color.”
What makes this federal indictments in Boston so wonderful is that they confirm every single one of your prejudices about the Beautiful People involved.

They are complete and utter frauds, and only a handful of the 30-plus charged are Republicans, mostly Romney moneybags.
The pampered pukes are all here, in the hundreds and hundreds of pages, moonbat TV star Felicity Huffman, a rich New York lawyer who lives in Greenwich, a California vineyard owner who gives tens of thousands to Democrats …

Then there’s the couple from Hillsborough, Calif., who wanted to get their kid into UCLA and so forked over $251,159 worth of Facebook stock in 2016.

They asked William Rick Singer, the Mr. Big of the conspiracy, “to confirm in writing that the $250,000 would be returned to them in the event his daughter did not receive final admission to UCLA.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

نَعيبُ زَمانَنا

Related image

قصيدة عتاب

نَعيبُ زَمانَنا وَالعَيبُ فينا

وَما لِزَمانِنا عَيبٌ سِوانا

وَنَهجو ذا الزَمانِ بِغَيرِ ذَنبٍ

وَلَو نَطَقَ الزَمانُ لَنا هَجانا

وَلَيسَ الذِئبُ يَأكُلُ لَحمَ ذِئبٍ

وَيَأكُلُ بَعضُنا بَعضاً عَيانا


Image result for gillibrand/de blasio cartoons
While running for re-election to their current jobs in 2017 and ’18, Mayor de Blasio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand both promised voters not to run for president — and now both have reneged, with the lamest of excuses.
“The world has changed,” intones de Blasio. Consider “the urgency of the moment,” pleads Gillibrand. Pathetic.
Gillibrand made her vow less than three months before breaking it.
Then, too, de Blasio announced plans to sell the nation on the success of New York ideas. Which means he’ll (again) be neglecting the job he promised would get his full attention.
Ideas such as "Medicare-for-all, a job guarantee and free college" sound great — but aren’t realistic.” 2020 Democrats are all over those “bold ideas” — the rush to the left is breathtaking.
Gillibrand is also for “universal health care.” She’s going to “take on” “institutional racism” but also “the corruption and greed in Washington” and “the special interests.” Impressive aims for a scion of Albany County’s infamous Democratic machine and a former lawyer for Big Tobacco.
De Blas couldn’t tempt Bernie and Hillary  into a bidding war for his endorsement. “What a terrorist!” Clinton’s campaign manager wrote of the mayor.

Just watch the Fake promises knowingly that they will not do any of it.
 Just a sad charachter and thought.


Thursday's toon
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren told MSNBC that she has "zero" sympathy for the dozens of parents charged in the biggest college admissions scandal it's ever prosecuted.
A number of wealthy parents were charged in a $25 million scam that helped their children gain admission to top schools in the U.S., according to the DOJ. The list of those charged included high-level executives and two notable actresses.
Parents involved in the scam allegedly funneled cash into a "charitable account." The man who pleaded guilty to four charges in the scam, William Singer, helped the alter students' SAT and ACT tests and helped parents bribe athletic coaches and universities to take their kids, even if they didn't play sports, prosecutors said.
This is the biggest scandal in higher education since the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren got two tenured Ivy League professorships as a “woman of color.”


March 12, 2019
At least those who can't shut up.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Image result for NOPEC Bill cartoon
OPEC is sending a clear message to Wall Street banks and big investors: if Washington passes legislation that would allow the U.S. government to sue the cartel, the first victim will be shale.
Suhail Mohammed Al Mazrouei, the United Arab Emirates oil minister and the former president of OPEC, told a group of U.S. financiers if the so-called NOPEC bill becomes law, the cartel would stop working and therefore every member would raise production to maximum capacity, causing a crash in oil prices.
The No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC) was a U.S. Congressional bill, was designed to remove the state immunity shield and to allow the international oil cartel, OPEC, and its national oil companies to be sued under U.S. antitrust law for anti-competitive attempts to limit the world's supply of petroleum and the consequent impact on oil prices. Despite popular sentiment against OPEC, legislative proposals to limit the organization's sovereign immunity have so far been unsuccessful. "Varied forms of a NOPEC bill have been introduced some 16 times since 2000, only to be vehemently resisted by the oil industry.

How about suing the Big Pharma for its inflated prices in the USA. Just a thought.


Image result for avenatti daniels cartoon

Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti have parted ways—days after a federal judge tossed her hush-money lawsuit against President Trump and his former fixer, Michael Cohen

The porn star and Avenatti, her ex-lawyer, announced their split in a pair of tweets. “I have retained Clark Brewster as my personal lawyer and have asked him and his firm to review all legal matters involving me,” Daniels wrote.
Avenatti, who is now representing women accusing R. Kelly of sexual assault, responded with a statement of his own.
“We informed Stormy Daniels in writing that we were terminating our legal representation of her for various reasons that we cannot disclose due to the attorney-client privilege.”


Image result for De blasio  progressive cartoon

De Blasio
has grown fond of saying, “There is plenty of money in this world. It’s just in the wrong hands” as a means of justifying his expansion of government into every aspect of life. No word if he counts he and his wife in the “wrong hands” camp after a recent media report suggesting the duo has squandered more than a billion dollars of unaccounted-for taxpayer dollars.
If neither his diminished fanfare nor his abysmal record is enough to convince de Blasio to abandon White House ambitions, the polls should. 
His early campaign visits to Iowa aren’t moving the needle one iota, with a new poll from the vaunted Des Moines Register putting him at zero percent – tied for dead last. 
Nationally, the picture is even worse. A Monmouth University survey showed Hizzoner as the only Democrat in the packed field with a net negative rating – an impressive feat.
But de Blasio isn’t taking the hint. He’s on the campaign trail, taking shots at his predecessor, Michael Bloomberg, who was eyeing a 2020 bid before concluding there was no path for a centrist in today’s hard left Democratic nominating process.

De Blasio didn't do well in NY in any large project, then turned into taxing the people for project he neglected for years. Now ne is trying to run the scam on a larger scale.


Image result for japanese girl on Okinawa diet

There are more centenarians-aged 99 or older-living on Japan's Okinawa islands than anywhere else in the world. Okinawa is one of the most well-known Blue Zones-places with the world's longest-lived and healthiest people.

People living in Okinawa have especially low rates of obesity and chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The secret to their good health? Experts suspect it has to do with their local diet-the Okinawa diet.
The Okinawa diet emphasizes:
  • High-fiber carbohydrates, make up more than half of Okinawans’ plates
  • Green vegetables such as leafy greens and cabbage
  • Seafood and seaweed such as kombu and hijiki
  • Small amounts of red meat, especially pork
  • Shiitake mushrooms and bitter melon, a bitter gourd-like fruit
  • Jasmine tea