Thursday, September 27, 2018


Image result for copay is higher than the cost of medication cartoon

Two years ago Gretchen, 78, had a “mini stroke”, her doctor prescribed a generic medication called telmisartan to help manage her blood pressure.
Gretchen and her husband  are insured through an Anthem Medicare plan. She ordered the telmisartan and the copay for a 90-day supply was $285.
So during a trip to Costco, she asked the pharmacist how much it would cost if paid cash.  The pharmacist told her it would cost about $40.
Insurance copays are higher than the cost of the drug about 25 percent of the time, according to a study published by the University of Southern California’s Schaeffer Center.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Image result for Kavanaugh cartoon
Democrats want to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the high court by any means necessary. Their modus operandi is to bring up alleged sexual assault charges late in the game to delay or derail the nomination process. 
They see it as a win-win: they either destroy Kavanaugh, discourage the Republican voter base, and deal a significant blow to the Trump presidency; or Republicans hang together in the face of this political monsoon, confirm Kavanaugh, and alienate women voters in the process, leading to Democratic victories in the midterm election.
By most accounts, Brett Kavanaugh is a straight arrow guy. He has lived an exemplary and successful life. Yet his very squareness is the foundation for the Democratic story line, the contrasting idea that Kavanaugh has a malevolent hidden history. With the new and bizarre “gang rape” claims put forward by “total lowlife” porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, the story could become the Duke Lacrosse case 2.0. It’s the Lifetime movie version of a Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
Democrats seem to think this political game won’t cost them. But they have left the reaction of men out of the equation.   [James S. Robbins, ColumnistPublished 7:07 p.m. ET Sept. 26, 2018] 


The cartoonist's homepage,


The cartoonist's homepage,

Would this be the unexpected nightmare for the Dems? 


The cartoonist's homepage,

Timing is every thing. The story of Ms. Ford appeared at this time with one purpose to derail the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. This of course is supported by the democrats.

The Dems have been humiliated repeatedly in the past.
In this process, it will expose the accuser and the accused and at the end, no one will win, not even the Democrats.

A Con Game...

Image result for running a con game by democrat cartoon

With Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh facing accusations of sexual assault and misconduct, President Donald Trump finds himself in a familiar place.
“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man, with an impeccable reputation, who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers, they just want to destroy and delay. Facts don’t matter.” the president tweeted.


Image result for con game by democrat cartoon

We desperately want to be in power. Will raise taxes, and spend more. We really want it. We can start a war in the Middle East, or somewhere else. Yes we will.


Image result for con game by democrat cartoon


Image result for walk for health cartoon
Our lifestyle choices can reduce our risk of developing Alzheimer disease.
Food intake. 
  • Leafy green vegetables. All types of nuts, Berries, Beans, Whole grains, Fish, Poultry (chicken or turkey), Olive oil

  • Minimize Red meat, Butter and margarine, Cheese, Pastries and other sweets, Fried or fast food

  •  Regular physical exercise can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 50 percent. A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is the most effective workout regimen.
  • Active mental stimulation can play an important role in preventing or delaying Alzheimer's.  
These steps can prevent many othe diseases in the same time.