Wednesday, July 25, 2018


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Well, it is the biggest tax giveaway to giant corporations in modern memory. Let’s not kid ourselves. It’s got lots of moving parts, but the key, the part that’s the whole central issue here is $2 trillion in giveaways to giant corporations.
Number one recipient is estimated to be Wells Fargo, who will walk away with billions of dollars. You do remember Wells Fargo, the company that opened the fake accounts to cheat its own customers.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. weighs in on revelations from a new book by Donna Brazile about the DNC, the 2016 election and whether the nominating process was rigged for Hillary Clinton.  

Double talk?


The cartoonist’s homepage,


The cartoonist's homepage,

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Image result for Elizabeth warren cartoon

"Look, there was a time in a very prosperous America — an America that was growing a middle class, an America in which working families were doing better generation after generation after generation — where the top marginal rate was well above 50 percent.

And that is what this Lady is trying to do... Tax above 50%.


Image result for lawsuits cartoon
Ex-Minneapolis Police Department officer Noor was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for shooting Damond through the door of his patrol car as she approached him after calling police to say she thought she had heard a woman being raped.
Noor was fired the day the charges were filed and is free on $400,000 bail.
The civil suit, filed in federal district court in Minnesota, names Noor, and his partner, and accuses them of conspiring to conceal the facts around the shooting and failing to record the incident on their body cameras. The suit also  called them “inexperienced officers who appear, by their conduct, unfit for duty.”
The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Damond’s father seeks more than $50 million in damages. 
If you report a serious crime, let the police do their job. Give them the space they need to asses the risk. Stay away and if they want to talk to you the will come.


July 5, 2018


July 11, 2018


Image result for Nursing  a child painting

Stephanie Buchanan and Mary Davis were in the kiddie pool with their children at the Aquatic Center in Mora, Minneapolis. When the two ladies started nursing their kids.
A pool employee asked them to cover up or move to the locker room. They refused and decided to leave the pool. 
That's when a police officer approached them. Minnesota state law protects me to feed my baby anywhere that I need to,'" Buchanan says. "He said, 'I understand, and I let the establishment know, but they reserve the right to ask you to leave.'"
Dozens of fellow moms showed up in Mora over the weekend and nursed their children outside the pool. The outpouring of support online, and at the so-called nurse-in protest, encourages their efforts to advocate for breastfeeding moms. 

Monday, July 23, 2018


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Sanders, the self-proclaimed socialist who almost snared the Democratic nomination (was cheated out of it) in 2016,  was on the campaign trail in Kansas with the new rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York. Together they championed the causes of Abolishing ICE, Impeaching Trump and #MedicareForAll. 
Chris Pappas is one of the many Democrats running in swing districts.  He's not supporting Medicare for all. Not preaching immediate impeachment, and pointedly not promising to shut down the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. And he's also not alone.
Hundreds of politicians, activists and party members concerned that anti-Trump activism may push Democrats too far to the Left.


Image result for Democrats  cartoon