Friday, June 8, 2018


The cartoonist's homepage,

The Media makes it look that pardon some is a bad thing. But this is the President power not the individual person, yet the Media wants to play its game. Just a thought.


The cartoonist's homepage,

It is not what it looks from the outside.

No One...

The cartoonist's homepage,

The Media is running short on news.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Image result for marriage cartoon

السعي ليس للخفيف

Image result for ‫cartoonولا الخبز للحكماء‬‎

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. 
So, we all have a chance.

السعي ليس للخفيف ….. ولا الخبز للحكماء ولا الغنى للفهماء ولا النعمة لذوي المعرفة لانه الوقت والعرض يلاقيانهم كافة.


Image result for fatal car crash cartoon

A new report published found that fatal car crashes involving marijuana, opioids and drug use have increased over the past decade and surpassed incidents related to alcohol.
The study by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association stated alcohol was involved in 38 percent of fatal accidents in 2016. Meanwhile, 44 percent of “fatally-injured drivers” tested positive for drugs, a statistic up 28 percent from 2006.
The report found that 38 percent of the drivers killed tested positive for marijuana, 16 percent were positive for opioids and 4 percent had a combination of both.

What are we doing to ourselves?


Image result for car crash cartoon

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Image result for dems avoided immigration cartoon

Many leaders in the Democratic Party are veering too far left and overpromising government programs that are not fiscally possible, Howard Schultz told CNBC.

'How are we going to pay for these things,'  like single payer [and] people espousing the fact that the government is going to give everyone a job. I don't think that's something realistic."

"I think we got to get away from these falsehoods and start talking about the truth and not false promises" 

In addition, there is no democratic  policy on illegal Immigration, other than keep it loose.