. يعطي المعيي قدرة ولعديم القوة يكثر شدة.. الغلمان يعيون
ويتعبون الفتيان يتعثرون تعثرا.. وأما منتظروا الرب فيجددون قوة يرفعون
أجنحة كالنسور يركضون ولا يتعبون يمشون ولا يعيون
The court vacated a lower court decision favoring the teen, who was held in government custody after illegally entering the country. The justices ruled that was the proper course because the case became moot after the teen obtained an abortion.
A pregnant minor who is in the country illegally can leave federal custody by returning to her home country, for example, but American taxpayers are not responsible for facilitating her abortion. We look forward to continuing to press the government's interest in the sanctity of life," the statement said.
Senate Democrats told President Trump not to make a deal with North Korea that leaves it in possession of nuclear weapons, and threatened to maintain economic sanctions on Pyongyang if that condition is not met. The Democrats' demands include North Korea dismantling and removing every nuclear, chemical and biological weapon, ending the production and enrichment of uranium ……. similar to Libya. Comment: The Dems are very "compassionate" when it comes to illegals in USA. Yet want to starve the people of North Korea. Peace is worth trying.
Democrats have a new plan to win over voters in November. Instead of letting taxpayers keep the money they're getting from Trump's tax cuts, they want government to spend $1 trillion of it on [wasteful] government projects.