Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Image result for airline employees smuggles contraband

Ten airline employees at a Texas airport have been indicted for their role in allegedly trafficking nearly 150 pounds of what the defendants believed was methamphetamine. 
The investigation goes back as far as August 2016.
Court documents did not detail how exactly the defendants used their employment to smuggle contraband, but they accused them of detailing to undercover officers how they evaded security and distributed a substance that the workers believed to be methamphetamine to multiple cities, including Newark, Charlotte and Phoenix on commercial flights.
On each occasion, law enforcement officers received the counterfeit drugs at the flight's destination. 


Image result for teen suicide spikes

A study, published in the journal Pediatrics, discovered that the number of kids and teens hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or attempts more than doubled in the U.S. from 2008 to 2015. "There are increasing rates of anxiety and depression in youth and young adults.  

The study identified 116,000 cases, About two-thirds of the cases involved girls. All ages groups saw increases, but those aged 15 to 17 were the highest, followed by those aged 12 to 14.

The data found that the rates for suicidal thoughts and attempts were higher in fall and spring, suggesting that school could play a role. 

Authors of the study pointed out that suicide is now the third leading cause of death among American adolescents.

Social media could play a role, according to the study, increasing screen time on electronic devices is a marker for depression.
It's important to know the warning signs. "Major changes in sleep and appetite can be a red flag.

For the parents and the grandparents, love your young more.


Image result for scandi diet
The Easiest Diet in the World is the Scandi Sense Diet, where  every meal is made up of four handfuls of food.  
Handful one and two must be veggies. This can be a salad, steamed veggies, or grilled veggies.
Handful three is protein like eggs, fish, or poultry. Since this diet is focused on whole foods, it's best practice to avoid processed meats.
Handful four is carbohydrates, from sweet potatoes, rice, and pasta to fruit, bread, and cereal. The more complex the carb, of course, the better.
The diet allows one to three tablespoons of healthy fats like avocados, coconut, nuts, and seeds are a key. 

A diet should be a way to balance out your nutrition to fit your everyday lifestyle. The diet is not restrictive.  
All you need is REAL good wholesome food. 


The cartoonist's homepage,
Deliberate leaks, keeping the Media spinning..


 President Trump has instructed his military commanders to quickly wrap up the American military operation in Syria so that he can bring troops home within a few months, senior administration officials said on Wednesday. He dropped his insistence on an immediate withdrawal, they said, after commanders told him they needed time to complete their mission.

“How long do you need to do that?” the frustrated president asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.  

In the meantime, the administration is pressuring allies in the region to put what White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called “more skin in the game.”
If the Arab countries want to fight each other, we got nothing to do with that. If no oil coming from the region, let it be.


Image result for walk

Americans could add years to their lives with just a handful of healthy habits, new study suggests.
The typical 50-year-old American can expect to live another 30 to 33 years. Based on the new study, those who maintain five lifestyle habits could add roughly a decade to that life expectancy.
The key factors include the usual suspects:

not smokingeating healthyexercising regularlymaintaining a normal weight; and drinking only in moderation.
"Our findings have significant public health implications, because they demonstrate the great potential of diet and lifestyle changes in improving life expectancy," said  Dr. Frank Hu,  chair of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
The habits are also realistic. For example, moderate exercise  such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day -- was enough.
"That isn't a crazy amount of exercise." "It doesn't require you to join a gym."

So do something to help yourself.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Way Out...

Originally published in April 2011. The cartoonist's
Most of our decisions in the Middle East, in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Iran helped the Saudis, and other oil producing countries by increasing the prices of oil. A geopolitical missteps one after the other.  We justified by using the unclear phrase of "America's Strategic Interest".

The problems in the Middle East and other parts of the  world is caused by the high oil prices. The extra funds support terrorists all the time somewhere.

We pay high prices for oil, and we pay high prices to defend ourselves against terrorism. Let us break the cycle.