Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Coming Out...

Image result for destruction in syria
The American and British soldiers killed in Manbij, Syria were "conducting a mission to kill or capture a known ISIS member," Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Adrian Rankine-Galloway confirmed.
There are approximately 2,000 U.S. troops across the country and dozens of officials from the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) working on the ground to stabilize cities and towns after ISIS's defeat.
President Donald Trump appeared to signal the withdrawal "very soon" of U.S. troops from Syria, surprising the Pentagon and State Department.
"By the way, we're knocking the hell out of ISIS," Trump told a crowd in Ohio during a speech on infrastructure spending. "We're coming out of Syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now, very soon. Very soon, we're coming out."

Opinion: Our adventure in the Middle East has been misguided. We opened the door for all the criminal aspect of the world to gather in this region and so is the chaos surrounded the claim of War.

Those who advised the president to start wars, should be identified and released from duties. A study of our action should be conducted and published. No one can change people opinion by force. We seen it in everywhere.


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Do not have romantic relationships with a co-workers."  There are tons of reasons why you simply shouldn’t date your coworker. 

*Company policy strictly prohibits dating in the office
*Fellow coworkers may shift in how you are perceived and treated. 
*It could limit your career opportunities and dampen your ambitions.

*Seeing that person for 8-12 hours of your day, then seeing them again outside of work blurs the line completely.

*You will get advancements and opportunities not based on the merit of your work, but because you paid special attention to them outside the office.

*Will you be as professional as you need to in the workspace once you start locking lips with the cutie in the cubicle down the hall?

*You have to consider the fact that all hell could break loose. Your whirlwind office romance could end in heartbreak. Both of you could lose your job and mess up great contacts and friendships with other people in the office. Think twice about it. But for some, it is worth trying.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Image result for what a girl want from a guy


Image result for tyrant bosses cartoon

Is your boss a tyrant of Machiavellian proportions?    A study by the Employment Law Alliance, "almost half of all employees have been targeted by a bully boss."

The simple truth is that bully or tyrant bosses can be found in abundance. Unfortunately, the majority can't legally be institutionalized. Many should not be bosses.

Tyrannical behavior comes in all forms. There are bosses who are mind-controlling abusers, manic-depressive and psychotic. There are obnoxious bully bosses who rule by intimidation, insist on getting their way and fly off the handle easily. They treat subordinates like children and seldom ask for anyone's input.

Conqueror bosses prey on employees' weaknesses. They find great thrills in treating the workplace like a battlefield. Once they sense an employee's soft spot, they pounce on it. The unsuspecting victim doesn't stand a chance.

Manipulator bosses are the smoothest of bullies. They fear becoming less valued if their underlings get any recognition for exemplary work. Manipulator bosses are backstabbers who'll go to frightening lengths to look good to their superiors.   Just a thought.


Originally published for Easter 2010. The cartoonist's


Image result for regime change cartoon
Regime change is a goal rather than a respond to local people desire. To justify our action we claim that the president is a dictator. He killed his own people.

Then we proceed with what we decided to do.
So we have a reason, but the process is messy.

What was the outcome?

How many local people died, and injured?  How many lives shattered, forced out of their homes, lands, , live as refugees somewhere else?

Iraq, Syria, and Libya.  Is any one responsible for these tragedies?


Eating processed meats like hot dogs, sausages and bacon can cause colorectal cancer in humans, and red meat is also a likely cause of the disease.  World Health Organization (WHO) experts said.

WHO said additionally that there was some link between the consumption of red meat and pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.

IARC classified processed meat as "carcinogenic to humans" on its group one list along with tobacco and asbestos, for which there is "sufficient evidence" of cancer links.

For an individual, the risk of developing colorectal (bowel) cancer increases with the amount of meat consumed," Dr Kurt Straif of the IARC said in a statement.

The classification for red meat, defined as all types of mammalian meat including beef, lamb and pork, reflected "limited evidence" that it causes cancer. The IARC found links mainly with colorectal cancer - which is a cancer that starts either in the colon or rectum - but also observed associations with pancreatic and prostate cancer.

The news may not add much to long-standing health recommendations to limit consumption of such meat.   Just a thought.

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Charlie Lagarde,18-year-old winner of the Gagnant à Vie lottery

On her 18th birthday, Charlie Lagarde won the lottery the first time she played. The Quebecois beat the one in 6 million odds to take home the grand prize: a lump sum of $1 million or $1,000 a week for the rest of her life.
She went for the annuity, something most lottery winners opt againstwhen given the choice expert opinion on the best option varies.
After all, astoundingly, lottery winners are more likely to declare bankruptcy within a few years than the average American.
Many winners struggle with depression, get divorced and deal with relentless requests from friends and family who want a piece of the prize, CNBC Make It has previously reported. Often the lottery doesn't improve lives, it tears them apart.
"If you're not disciplined, you will go broke.  

Your Rights...*

Image result for freedom of expression

Checking the accuracy or authenticity of documents provided by refugee applicants against foreign government records is difficult.  It is also difficult to check foreign government records for local arrests, bank records, business licenses or civil filings. “We do the best we can with the information we have,” one U.S. official said.
The process has no guarantee of approval and takes so long Syrians wait nearly three years for approval to come to U.S. 

While the vetting process is about the Migrants Past and Background, it is important to see what the Immigrants think and do with the basic principles of life in USA.

Freedom of speech, Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion

But then comes the conflict of their past lives and their New lives and its impact on their Wives, Daughters, Mothers and next door neighbors.  

As soon as migrants got their entry to Colon, Germany, the planning, the criminality, and the sexual assaults on women began. That is coordinated to be in New Years Eve, in the main Cathedral Square.

The Migrants want Freedom of Speech, but not much, Freedom of Expression, but not by women, Freedom of Religion but only to some.
The Cat's out of the Bag?  Just a thought.