Sunday, February 18, 2018

New Game...*

Image result for woman protective order

The woman, a Mexican citizen living in El Paso and identified by her initials I.E.G., received a protective order against an allegedly abusive partner accused of attacking her in at least three increasingly violent incidents she reported to police. 

County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal said. “The last incident involved her partner chasing her with a knife,” which he then allegedly threw at the woman but missed, Bernal said.

The ICE spokeswoman said the woman had a “lengthy criminal history with at least eight convictions on charges including false imprisonment, assault, domestic violence and illegal re-entry,” and had been deported six times.

Legal and domestic violence advocates in Texas have blasted the arrest of an undocumented transgender woman, who was detained by immigration agents after appearing in court for a protective order against an alleged abuser.

This is an extensive use of the court and police resources by someone who should not be in the country to begin with. No one would be blasting any body if they are paying the cost from their own pocket.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Image result for Syria 's war
Six civilians suffered breathing difficulties and other symptoms indicative of poison gas inhalation after an attack launched by Turkey on the Kurdish-controlled enclave of Afrin, local doctors and Syria's state-run news agency reported Saturday.

State-run news agency SANA and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group also quoted local doctors in their reports.

A White House official said the United States is aware of the reports but cannot confirm them, and thinks it is "extremely unlikely" Turkey used chemical weapons against the Kurds. The official called for the protection of civilians.

 Every one is reporting every thing happened or didn't to alienate some against the other. However, people's suffering continue in the worse intervention by foreign powers in a small country.


Originally posted in January 2013. The cartoonist's

Lay Down...

The cartoonist's homepage,


Posted Image

Employers aren't really sure what you're doing at work, but they're pretty sure you're not working enough.

Ask some companies why we're so unproductive, and they'll probably have a survey to identify the problem and a product to fix it. For a company that makes sound management equipment, too much noise is to blame. For information management company, we all suffer from crippling information overload. For ethics training company, we're distracted by frequent ethical lapses.

Shopping for a mail-order bride, drinking vodka, watching Netflix, Sports, or attempt to control others, sabotaging another employee's car tires and sending "inappropriate pictures" to other employees.  Many consider these interactions are the most cause of waste of time, 75 % of all time wasted is the Internet, Meetings, annoying coworkers.

Managers blamed such unproductive behavior for lower work quality, low morale and revenue losses. Nearly three in four employers had put into place new policies to curb productivity killers, including blocking certain websites and banning personal cell phone use.  

Some of the results, like Internet browsing, line up with what managers said, but others, like
"dealing with annoying bosses," didn't show up in the managers' reports.

Employees don't seem to think they spent quite as much time gossiping or texting as their managers seem to imagine and managers likely didn't view their interactions with employees as time wasters.

Using scheduled break times,  scheduled "play" breaks or short walks to increase productivity. This may not do away with unnecessary meetings or keep a co-worker from slashing your tires, but it's a good start.  


Image result for burkini cartoon


Forget sexy abs. what's your credit score?
With 70 percent of marriages ending in divorce due to financial disagreements, those looking for a partner are increasingly popping the big question: What is your credit score?

Banks, landlords, insurance companies, employers and even Internet providers have been relying on this three-digit calculation to measure a person's character and decide if they want to take a risk on you.

Niem Green, founder of,
"It was my job to determine if there would be a relationship between the bank and the borrower based on their credit score," . "And started to notice there were similar patterns between the scores and the personalities I meet. I just thought, what would happen if people were able to date this way?"

More than three out of four Americans in a committed relationship prefer a partner who is good with money over one who is physically attractive.  These days it's much more attractive to be an 800 than a perfect 10.

When someone's responsible financially, that really says a lot about them,"  "And being financially irresponsible says a lot about them, too."

So, have your abs and your high credit score in top shape or.. Stay Single.

The Maid...*

Image result for housekeeper cartoon


Image result for britain-libya political cartoon

The highly paid proffetinal s at the State Dept would like to change the regiem of poor countries in the Middle East. They want to create Democracy, freedom of speech and expression, Just like the USA. On that idea, we are taking action in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc.
The issue here is that the people of these countries don't want the American Life and experience. They prefer women to be what they are today. They see everything as religious.

Their education is not much so is their economics.  So let us not use fake reason to occupy and destroy these countries, or support bad elements within. We helped Al Qaida against the Russian... And we're helping similar groups today. Just a thought.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Happened again...

The cartoonist's homepage,

17 people lost their lives in a mass shooting at a South Florida. More than a dozen others were injured in the Valentine's Day rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The suspect, a former student, was arrested.