Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Swiss voters rejected by a wide margin a proposal to introduce a guaranteed basic income for everyone living in the wealthy country after an uneasy debate about the future of work at a time of increasing automation.

Supporters had said introducing a monthly income of 2,500 Swiss francs per adult and 625 francs per child under 18  would promote human dignity and public service.

Opponents, including the government, said it would cost too much and weaken the economy.
Four out of five voters opposed the bold social experiment launched by Basel cafĂ© and allies in a vote under the Swiss system of direct democracy.
Conservative Switzerland is the first country to hold a national referendum on an unconditional basic income, but others including Finland are examining similar plans as societies ponder a world in which robots replace humans in the workforce.
Employers also heaved a sigh of relief that Switzerland, where unemployment is only around 3.5 percent, had not become the first country to embrace such a path-breaking measure. 


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With 52% divorce rate in USA and Europe, the society nucleolus is in trouble.  The divorce number may be higher if other issues considered, such as the children or for economic issues.

The distance between "being in love" and "being in Court", is few years and few kids.
Many TV programs dealing with couples present an  inaccurate message to the viewer.

In "Martin" a Tommy character who is handsome, attractive, and always dressed up. His friend remind him       "you got no job Tommy." 

In "Every body loves Raymond" the main character "Debb" sees the husband as the last piece of the puzzle.  Oddly enough many puzzles are missing the last piece.

In many cases one person plan the whole adventure and the other is not there. An extended family occurred and the pressure became unbearable. Someone or both partner may have not bought into the new reality of what marriage became.

Marriage is so important to all. Its worth learn a little about it just to maintain a healthy family and society relationship . It intended to last for a whole a lot of life.  Just a thought



Mr. Hill, 36, was a longtime Napa vineyard manager who worked his way up from agricultural pest control to stake a claim as a maker of $100 wines.

He could hold a busload of tourists spellbound with homespun stories of a vintner’s life. Mr. Hill had a knack for marketing, getting Hill Wine Company bottles on the United Airlines planes shuttling American athletes to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. He continued to work buying and selling grapes and bulk wine and managing fields for big wineries and small growers.

It was all built on quicksand. The fancy winery was more than Mr. Hill could afford, and the expenses of operating the business quickly outpaced his income. He was soon deeply in debt and resorting to deceptions like substituting cheaper merlot and malbec grapes for the expensive Napa cabernet sauvignon advertised on the wine labels, according to court documents.  

Napa County prosecutors have charged him with two felonies, on two occasions in October 2013 he stole grapes that his crew was harvesting for another winemaker and diverted them to his own winery.
Hill Wine has filed for bankruptcy and owes more than $8 million to creditors.
If you think no one is watching.!! Think again. Just a thought. 


Hundreds Of Trump Protesters Surround And Attack Police Car

Protesters Attack Trump Supporter At California Rally

Monday, January 29, 2018


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Authorities say a semitrailer driver is in custody after he was found to be transporting 76 immigrants in Texas.
The U.S. Border Patrol said in a statement that the immigrants were discovered at a checkpoint on U.S. 83, about 35 miles (56 kilometers) north of Laredo in South Texas.

The semitrailer stopped in the checkpoint's primary lane where the driver, a U.S. citizen, was questioned about his immigration status.

The immigrants are from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Thirteen were unaccompanied minors. The Border Patrol says all of them are in good health.

I'll bet they all are young people to claim DACA. Good for Schumer.
This is theft, deceit, and human trafficking at its lowest point.


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Joy Cooper, a 57-year-old Democrat who has been mayor of the city 20 miles north of Miami since 2005is charged with several corruption charges: money laundering, official misconduct and exceeding the limit on campaign finance contributions — all felonies that carry a maximum five-year prison sentence each. She’s also accused of soliciting contributions in a government building — that same now-vacant city hall office.
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) suspended Cooper, prohibiting her from “performing any official act, duty, or function of public office

Joy Cooper vowed to “vigorously fight” corruption accusations, including the claim that she was on the receiving end of a Dunkin’ Donuts bag filled with $8,000 in soon-to-be-laundered cash.
Only time will tell.



The night before, he had joined his Marines in prayer. "Everybody held hands," he recalled. "This was our prayer:

'God, we know we are about to see you in person.  If we got to die on this tower let us die like men and Marines and don't embarrass ourselves, our families or the Marine Corps. Amen.'"   " Reported on the Tet Offensive"


The cartoonist's homepage, pnj.com/opinion


 The cartoonist's homepage, indystar.com/opinion/varvel