Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Image result for peta no fur

Nudity is sometimes used as a protest to attract attention to a cause. while others argue that it is a legitimate form of expression covered by the right to free speech.

Some nude activism is not to promote a particular cause, but rather to promote public nudity itself, or a personal desire to be nude in public. Animal rights groups have used nudity to draw attention to their causes.

Every year the Running of the Nudes takes place where activists run naked through Pamplona, Spain

Christy Turlington have posed naked on billboards "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" emblazoned across her chest.

Vincent Bethell made history in 2001 to stand trial in UK court.  Vincent was naked throughout his court case, he was found unanimously not guilty.

The Lettuce Ladiesyoung women dressed in bikinis which appear to be made of lettuce, had gathered in city centers to hand out leaflets about veganism. 

For their cause, please eat more Vegetables and Fruits, so  you will look semi decent with or without Bikini.  Just a bare thought.


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Part Time...*

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I Close My Eyes...

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon (Video)


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