Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Live Life...*

Researchers from Harvard Medical School looked at 89,571 Caucasian women and 46,399 Caucasian men to see how much a healthy lifestyle could reduce cancer risk.
16,531 women and 11,731 men had a healthy lifestyle pattern and were determined to be low risk. These healthy patterns included moderate or no drinking, a BMI between 18.5 and 27.5, weekly physical activity that included at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity, and either never having smoked or currently not being a smoker.
The authors then studied cancer rates among the high- and low-risk groups. They found that overall, 20 percent to 40 percent of carcinoma cases and about half of carcinoma deaths can be potentially prevented through lifestyle modification. Carcinomas form in the lining of certain tissues or organs and is the most common form of cancer.
"We have no other option. We have to work on prevention more than treatment. Just a thought.


Originally published in 2011 when he worked for Florida


Muslim brides, veiled in red, speak during a mass wedding ceremony in 2015

Husbands who attempt "instant divorce" could be sentenced to three years in prison under draft legislation being considered in India. The traditional practice involves a man saying "talaq" (divorce) three times - in any form, including email or text message.
It was declared unconstitutional by India's Supreme Court in August, but officials say it has continued since. The proposed law also provides for fines and support for affected women.
The draft Women Protection of Rights on Marriage Bill has now been sent to regional governments for consultation.
It would explicitly ban "triple talaq", in line with the Supreme Court ruling, and lay out procedures legal procedures for a "subsistence allowance" and custody arrangements, the Press Trust of India said.


The cartoonist's homepage,



Flibanserin's developer and some women's groups, accuse the F.D.A. of gender bias for approving Viagra and other drugs to help men have sex, but none for women.

"Women have waited long enough. Gender equality should be the standard when it comes to access to treatments for sexual dysfunction."

The drug has been rejected by the F.D.A. on the grounds that its very modest effectiveness was outweighed by side effects like sleepiness, dizziness and nausea. 

Chairwoman of Even the Score, said the side effects of flibanserin, like sleepiness and dizziness, were not so serious. By contrast Viagra and some other drugs for men can cause blindness, penile rupture and other serious side effects.

Women on the drug trial said they had experienced less distress and a meaningful change. And some have said the drug had a big effect. Just a thought.


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