Monday, November 13, 2017


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Robert Mueller is reportedly probing whether Michael Flynn was involved in an alleged scheme to essentially kidnap a Turkish cleric living in Pennsylvania and transport him to Turkey, to be paid up to $15 million.  
Flynn Intel Group Inc. was paid $530,000 for lobbying for a Dutch company owned by a Turkish businessman, work could help the interests of the Turkish government. 
On Election Day, Flynn wrote an opinion piece in The Hill,  in which he accused Gulen of being a "radical Islamist" and a potential terrorist.
The Wall Street Journal also reported that in the discussions concerning Gulen, Flynn was ready to push for the extradition of Gulen from within the White House.
The reclusive Gulen has lived in the Poconos in a gated retreat for the last 17 years. His movement has founded charter schools throughout the U.S. He has never visited any of them and is never seen in public. Instead, he addresses his followers online.
Just allegation.


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Saturday, November 11, 2017


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A State Department official confirms to ABC News that the department is offering "voluntary buyouts and early retirement incentives" as part of its effort to reduce its own ranks.

The Trump administration wants to get rid of 641 employees -- in addition to "normal attrition" -- by the end of 2018, in particular "to reduce unnecessary supervisory levels and organizational layering," the official said.
"The Department's goal is to meet its workforce reduction targets through the use of voluntary measures. 

The agency has also frozen all new hiring and any promotions in an effort to limit the number of employees.

The news comes after a scathing letter from the Foreign Service union's president, questioning why the administration was depleting the diplomatic corps' ranks.

We do not need to start additional war in the middle east. We should leave Iraq-Syria and Libya alone. The advise given to start the wars in Iraq, Syria, and Libya were wrong all the way. Millions have died, millions are refugees, and millions are injured. Life in most areas have been destroyed.