Friday, November 10, 2017


Image result for obama immigration cartoon

At midnight tonight, the Trump administration will end another immigration program.
The Central American Minors, or CAM, refugee program allowed certain parents who were lawfully present in the U.S. to request a refugee resettlement interview for their children and other family members from three Central American countries.

The State Department will not accept any new applications to the CAM program.  The program was started in December 2014 by the Obama administration after the enormous influx of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors and families from Central America seeking asylum in the U.S.

How many hidden programs started by The Obama Administration. On the other hand, how many regime changes caused by the Obama's ending up in millions of death. God Help us all.


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Thursday, November 9, 2017


Image result for texas church massacre images of victims

Image result for texas church massacre images of victims

Image result for texas church massacre images of victims

Image result for texas church massacre images of victims

CNN Caught...

Image result for cnn fake news

Amid antitrust concerns over a potential merger between AT&T and Time Warner, a controversy has erupted over whether AT&T would have to sell off CNN to sidestep those concerns.

According to U.S. Department of Justice officials, AT&T offered just days ago to divest from CNN and later sell the news network. But the chairman and CEO of AT&T suggested otherwise.

The government's reservations about the deal stem from the effects of combining AT&T's distribution platforms, including satellite television provider DirecTV, and the wide catalog of content under the Time Warner umbrella, such as Turner Broadcasting, CNN's parent company. On Monday, the Justice Department says it met with AT&T to discuss the matter.

We need less of these 24hrs. I think this news spells trouble for CNN.

Let Go...

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