Thursday, November 9, 2017


 Las Vegas is testing a self-driving shuttle, which got into a minor accident on its first day.

A new self-driving shuttle bus got off to a bumpy start in Las Vegas.
When the service debuted in the city, one of the driverless vehicles was involved in a collision with a delivery truck, the Las Vegas government said in a statement.

During the incident in downtown Las Vegas, the bus automatically stopped to try avoid an accident after its sensors detected the truck, the city said.

"Unfortunately, the delivery truck did not stop and grazed the front fender of the shuttle," it said. "Had the truck had the same sensing equipment that the shuttle has, the accident would have been avoided."

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


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Willeford said his daughter first alerted him a man was shooting at the church, and the former NRA instructor didn't hesitate. He grabbed his rifle from his safe and ran barefoot down the street, straight toward the gunfire.

Willeford said he locked eyes with Kelley, who was wearing all black, a ballistic vest and a mask. The two fired at each other, and Kelley was hit in the torso and in the leg.

Kelley dropped his rifle and took off in his Ford Expedition. Willeford and another man chased him for 6 miles. Kelley crashed his SUV, and authorities found him dead. They said he called his father then shot himself in the head.

If Willeford hadn't been there, investigators fear more people would have lost their lives.


Image result for virginia state legislature elected a transgender cartoon

The first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature defeated her conservative Republican opponent in a closely watched Virginia election.

In a historic bid, Democrat Danica Roem beat Republican incumbent Bob Marshall, one of Virginia's most socially conservative lawmakers, in the northern Virginia district.

Roem's gender identity wasn't a key part of her campaign. Instead, she focused on jobs, schools and northern Virginia's traffic congestion.

Marshall has served in the House since 1992 and has been a lightning rod for controversy. He has often drawn the ire of even his own party.

All 100 seats in the House of Delegates are up for election. Republicans hold 66 out of 100 seats in the chamber, but there are a number of higher-profile races that garnered national attention.  

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Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church, Texas.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Texas Church...

Image result for texas church massacre

Image result for texas church massacre

Image result for texas church massacre

Image result for texas church massacre

Image result for texas church massacre

Image result for texas church massacre


Image result for medicine expired

Since a law was passed in 1979, drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. This is the date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.

Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

 Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers. It's true the effectiveness of a drug may decrease over time, but much of the original potency still remains even a decade after the expiration date.

Excluding nitroglycerin, insulin, and liquid antibiotics, most medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested by the military. Placing a medication in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help a drug remain potent for many years.
Updated: August 13, 2017  Published: November, 2003- Harvard M School


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Democrats are gambling with the tax cut. They will lose and with that the coming election.