Saturday, October 28, 2017



Image result for Sexual harassment at work

Harassment is a form of employment discrimination that violates the law.  It is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color.......

It is illegal when the conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.

Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality.

Employers are encouraged to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. They should clearly communicate to employees that unwelcome harassing conduct will not be tolerated.
         Just a thought.



Image result for Clinton's dossier disingenuous

When BuzzFeed published that now-infamous dossier of unproven claims about Donald Trump and Russia, in January, former Hillary Clinton campaign aides expressed outrage that news outlets that had obtained the dossier before Election Day did not make its contents public in time to influence voters, and Clinton later aired the same grievance in her book about the presidential race.

It turns out that the reaction of the Democratic presidential nominee and her team was disingenuous. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday night that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund the dossier, compiled by a former British intelligence officer, through a law firm hired to conduct opposition research.

The Clinton camp left out its own role in the dossier's creation, as it ripped the media for sitting on information that journalists had been unable to verify.

What Clinton and her advisers presented as their judgment that the media had made the wrong call was, in fact, their frustration at having failed to plant negative news reports before ballots were cast. How low can we go?

The end...

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The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar, but evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants.
No evidence emerged linking the Qataris deal to the attack that killed four Americans diplomat in Benghazi.

The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.

The experience in Libya has taken on new urgency as the administration considers whether to play a direct role in arming rebels in Syria, where weapons are flowing in from Qatar and other countries. The administration decided to back some rbels. It doesn't cost the American people that much, but destroys families countries and generation.

When these terrorists are captured, they cry their Human Rights, but when they have the upper hand, they slaughters the others like we haven't seen before.

The Assad is far moderate than the rest of them.
So who is Moderate?   NON,   THEY ALL are THE SAME.
Some speak English and SOME DON'T.

With the Moderates and others 500,000 Syrians are Dead.. the rest we know.  History will judge our Hillary's policy soon and late.  Just a thought.

Friday, October 27, 2017


 Image result for sexual harassment cartoon

MSNBC announced it has removed Halperin from his role as a political contributor at the network. The book Halperin was working on about the 2016 presidential election has been canceled and HBO has pulled the plug on a project the network was planning with him. 

The women, who were all in their 20s at the time, shared stories of Halperin allegedly propositioning them for sex and making unwanted sexual advances, including Allegedly pressing himself against them.

Dianna Goldberg May, a former ABC News researcher, told The Washington Post that she reached out to Halperin for help with a story but Claimed Halperin said he would only help her if she sat on his lap.

Halperin issued a statement to CNN saying he did Pursue Relationships with women he worked with during his time at ABC News. 

No wonder the Arabic world separates men and women and European Countries have legal Prostitution available. But the Media enjoy the stories.

Where does this fit in the dance of attracting someone, male or female? 
What does the effect of Million of Dollars on old memories?  Just a thought.


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