Friday, October 6, 2017


The cartoonist's homepage,


The cartoonist's homepage,

To B...

Image result for type a personality

Tough time relaxing.
Relaxation isn’t a measurable goal, and it feels like a waste of time

Unrealistic sense of urgency.  “now” is the only time that exists.

Follow a schedule. Our time is carefully orchestrated

Restless. Our motors are always running, so when we have to idle, that excess energy manifests in various nervous habits, such as fidgeting or biting our nails.

To B or not to B...


Image result for st regis mohawk tribe restasis
Allergan transferred the patents for its blockbuster eye drug Restasis to the Saint Regis Mohawk tribe. In return, the tribe licensed the rights back to Allergan, and employed its sovereign immunity to move to dismiss certain challenges by generic drugmakers. Allergan paid the tribe $13.75 million upfront in the arrangement, with the potential for $15 million in annual royalties thereafter.
Claire McCaskill,  "I ask that PhRMA review whether actions to block patent challenges through claims of tribal sovereign immunity align with PhRMA efforts to promote innovation and discourage predatory pricing practices and anticompetitive conduct,"

"This is one of the most brazen and absurd loopholes I've ever seen, and it should be illegal," the senator said in a statement to CNBC.
"Allergan recently completed a Hatch-Waxman trial in a Federal District Court in Texas on the validity of the patents covering Restasis" .

This is only the beginning...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Subway Nightmare



 In her “Subway Nightmare” ad, Nicole Malliotakis, the Republican candidate for mayor in New York, appeals to frustrated commuters regardless of their party.
She wants to fix the subway.   Just a thought.