The veteran reporters and editors Thomas Frank, Lex Haris and Eric Lichtblau submitted their resignations after CNN retracted and apologized for a story that linked a member of Trump’s transition team to Russian-related federal investigations.
The article alleged Anthony Scaramucci, a financier and close ally of Trump, was tied to a Russian investment fund allegedly being investigated by the Senate Intelligence Committee. The article was removed from the site and replaced with an editor’s note stating that the story “did not meet CNN’s editorial standards.”
The retraction marked only the latest in a string of embarrassing incidents for the news network, including firing one of its TV hosts, Reza Aslan, for tweeting that Trump was a “piece of s---.”
In another tweet, Trump accused CNN of publishing other “phony” stories, though it’s unclear to which pieces he was referring. He did go on to retweet “Fox & Friends,” a TV show that has been notably soft on its coverage of the president, several times. You know why is that!!!