Friday, September 25, 2015

Turned away by security.

Pope Francis reaches to give a blessing to Sophie Cruz, 5, from suburban Los Angeles. AP

Do unto .....

Image result for pope visit the congress, shake Kerry's hand
He was not to shake hands, but stopped to shake Kerry's hand.

pope francis blesses a child

Image result for pope visit to usa

The pope's car is the smallest "Fiat 500"

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


For Obama, it was part of his campaign to reform the criminal justice system, particularly mandatory sentencing for non-violent offenders. There are an estimated 1,574,700 inmates in state and federal prisons, according to 2013 figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

"As a society, we seem to be OK with certain communities just being locked in this cycle,'' Obama says in the special.
"Our kids are being raised around drug crime, they naturally gravitate toward drug crime, they then get involved in the criminal justice system, and it just churns, and everybody thinks that's normal."

Let us fix it.

Monday, September 21, 2015


To wreak havoc on Washington, America needs a leader with real solutions,”  “Political rhetoric is not enough we need a plan of action. Actions speak louder than words. I have a plan to move this country forward. Walker didn't say what he is going to do to the people for the coming eight years.

Walker has made a political career out of targeting labor unions. As governor, he famously authorized legislation that stripped most collective bargaining rights from public-sector workers, sparking protests from labor unions around the country. He dealt another blow to unions this year, when he signed a "right-to-work" law that makes it illegal for unions to require workers to join a union and pay dues even if they benefit from the union contract.

As a presidential candidate, Walker frequently alluded to his success fighting union power, which he cited as proof of his leadership abilities.

His anti Union actions opened the field widely for problems with equal pay act, employees rights, and increased management cost, law suits, discriminations, among other many issues. With that the Republican voters gave him equal to Zero vote, Wreaking havoc on his own campaign.

Just a thought.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Look after each other.


September 2015 is also known as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month which helps promote resources and awareness around the issues of suicide prevention, how you can help others and how to talk about suicide without increasing the risk of harm.

Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among YOUNG PEOPLE

More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED

In many cases the individuals, friends and families affected by suicide are left in dark, feeling shame or stigma that prevents talking openly about issues dealing with suicide. So be sensitive to your young. Relax your rules, it is a new era. 

Look after the young.

Just a thought.

The Francis Effect

Editorial: Cuban revolution

In the latest evidence of what is sometimes referred to as the “Francis Effect,” Cuban President Raul Castro captured worldwide attention in early May when he met with Pope Francis at the Vatican and said he was considering a return to the Faith.

Better sensitized to the issue than predecessors because of his Latin American roots, the 78-year-old pontiff facilitated a back channel for talks and sent missives to Presidents Raul Castro and Barack Obama at a delicate stage in the secret negotiations in 2014.

That bore fruit with a prisoner swap, the opening of embassies, and an easing of some travel and trade restrictions, although a half-century-old economic embargo is still in place, only removable by the U.S. Congress.
Francis is a popular figure in Cuba and thousands of people lined the streets of Havana as he was driven in, cheering, waving Cuban and Vatican flags, and holding banners with the slogan: “Missionary of mercy, welcome to Cuba!”

Peace to Cuba

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Springer Debate...

In 1999, a dysfunctional HP board committee, filled with its own poisoned politics, hired Fiorina with no CEO experience, nor interviews with the full board. Fired in 2005, after six years in office, several leading publications titled her one of the worst technology CEOs of all time. In fact, the stock popped 10% on the news.

She, through a massive, ill-conceived, controversial acquisition of Compaq Computer in 2002, Fiorina did nothing to increase profits over her five-year term, with the S&P 500 showing net income across enterprises concomitantly up 70%. Furthermore, shareholder wealth at HP was sliced 52% under her reign against the S&P, which was down only 15% in that bearish period. She modeled the old joke of “making it up in the volume.”

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, is an American academic, Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management at Yale School of Management and Senior Associate Dean for Executive Programs. His name mentioned in the debate...... He echoed the terrible track that Fiorina had in business and her attempt to FAKE it.

But CNN turned the debate into a  Jerry Springer match to see how much they can influence who is who.

The debate was to inform the Citizens of the United States who will do what? They didn't do that. If it is too difficult for CNN to be informative, leave the debate to someone else.

Just a thought.


In his run for the White House so far, Walker has stumbled on foreign policy and immigration, so he's back to singing a familiar tune in this post-Labor Day push.

"I think it is, in a way, Walker playing his greatest hit, especially after a summer in which he's had difficulty finding a theme and sticking to that theme," 

Walker added, "We took on the big-government union bosses, and we went big and we went bold."
"Union bosses" is a term he used more than a dozen times in his speech.

In reality, Walker took on the little people who were protected by the Union when it comes to negotiating their work load, starting salaries, healthcare and the rest of the important issues. The union guaranteed the employees Equal Pay, fair treatment, no discrimination, etc.  But Walker was out for his own donors and Big businesses.

Enron didn't have union and the $180 Billions disintegrated in a flash.  

Now Waker wants to support the middle class.?   Seriously?  Just a thought.