Saturday, April 11, 2015

the Support...*!

John Booker Jr. struck others as strange or even troubled but also as a young man not shy about discussing his faith or debating Islamic philosophy at the mosque.
But the 20-year-old Topeka resident told a confidante informant that he wasn't liked at his mosque because he expressed support for the terrorist group al-Qaida - views that would have gotten him barred. The cleric said the FBI brought Booker to the mosque and sought counseling to turn him from views behind Facebook postings about plans to die in a jihad.
Booker was in contact with two informants portraying Islamic State group sympathizers. He was arrested trying to arm a 1,000-pound bomb outside Fort Riley.
Kansas' top federal prosecutor also charged another Topeka man, Alexander Blair, 28, with failing to report Booker's plans to authorities.  He loaned Booker money to rent space to build and store a bomb.         Remove the support. Just a thought.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Don't Shush...

Rand Paul is pictured. | AP Photo

The controversy began when Paul grew curt with "Today" show anchor Savannah Guthrie.   She pressed him on shifts in his positions over the years, Paul accused her of editorializing. Paul was also abrasive when AP reporter Philip Elliot asked him about apparent contradictions in his positions on abortion legislation.

They recall when Paul shushed CNBC anchor Kelly Evans earlier this year.

By Wednesday evening, Paul was telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer, "I think I've been universally short tempered and testy with both male and female reporters. I'll own up to that."

In her interview with Paul on Wednesday, Kelly, who hosts a primetime show on Fox News, defended Evans and Guthrie for their line of questioning and admonished Paul.
 "Those women were not yelling at you," Kelly told Paul.

Some may contended that Paul's interactions could be construed as sexist.

Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire mogul who counts Fox News among his media assets, has made no secret of his affinity for the senator. Paul has made more appearances on Fox News than any other Republican presidential contender.
The senator is on better terms with the Fox News community than his father.

When you ask a question, let us hear the answer instead of interrupting with another question. Just a thought.

Young, Old, Black and white.

Officer, Michael Slager, 33, said he had feared for his life because ......... a scuffle after a traffic stop. A video shows the officer firing eight times as the man, Walter L. Scott, 50, fled. At that point, the officer was not in fear of his life from the victim.

Officer Slager stopped the driver of a Mercedes-Benz with a broken taillight. Mr. Scott ran away, and the officer chased him into a grassy lot that abuts a muffler shop. He fired his Taser, an electronic stun gun, but it did not stop Mr. Scott, according to police reports.
Moments after the struggle, Officer Slager reported on his radio: “Shots fired and the subject is down. He took my Taser,” according to police reports.

The officer then runs back toward where the initial scuffle occurred and picks something up off the ground. Moments later, he drops an object near Mr. Scott’s body.

No Narcotics no dead body in the car. A young officer killed an older man. Something is wrong here. Too much taxes used to pay police force to ensure no car with a broken taillight?

We don't need more training of police officers. We need a change of policies of using force arresting someone for minor fractions.

Just a thought.

Phantom Debt.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Follow the Money.... Healthcare

A report issued Wednesday says that the most recent official projections indicate that the U.S. will spend $2.5 trillion less on health care from 2014 until 2019 than had been originally estimated at the time the Affordable Care Act [ACA] became law in 2010.

That represents a nearly 11 percent decrease in projected spending, according to the report issued by the Urban Institute.

Nearly half of the decrease in projections comes from lower spending estimates for Medicare and Medicaid.

While the exact impact of the ACA cannot be determined, it is clear that the nation has successfully expanded health coverage to Eleven Millions, and is now expected to spend considerably less than anticipated even before the law was enacted."
Kathy Hempstead, who directs coverage issues for the RWJ Foundation, said, "The impact of health reform on this slowdown, and whether it can be maintained, are very important issues."

This is a win/win/win program. More covered, Less utilized, and Surplus. Every turn you find Obama care beneficial. Opponents are crushed.

Just a thought.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Young Manipulate...

Love triangle

Stevens was a marketing manager at a dating service called Perfect Match, supervised Nourn. She was [18 yo.] in a "very intense" relationship with then-35-year-old, [with a wife and two kids] whom she met after seeing his profile on the Internet.

Barker wasn't available for her that holiday evening, so Nourn decided not to waste the evening, she'll try Stevens, spent the evening and part of the night with him.  During which [one thing led to another] she had sex at his place.

After leaving, Nourn returned to her home, and was confronted by an angry Barker. She told him she was and had sex with Stevens, but then she said he raped her. Barker wanted to end their relationship, but Nourn begged him not to. Her plan is to get him to leave his wife and be with  her and jealousy was the way.

Nourn chose to go along with a plan to kill Stevens and burn his body in his car, the prosecutor said. That should wipe the past and start fresh with her lover. She returned to Stevens' apt. and tricked him about car trouble.

After the murder, Nourn moved in with Barker, the mistress, the wife, and the kids for a while. She still wasn't able to manipulate the system as she wanted.

Nourn decided she has no use for Barker any more, she has the upper hand so she went to the police to report the murder and put it on him. She got caught, and her manipulation process of getting red of men one after the other failed miserably. One dead, two in jail and families destroyed.

Just a thought.

Friday, April 3, 2015

True to yourself.

Image result for Pharmacy Cartoon

Roman Catholic nuns and brothers in robes along with conservative activists and lawmakers, all surrounded Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana as he signed  religious freedom law. Smiling and proud, some of them had cheered the bill as a way to protect religious business owners from having to provide cakes and flowers to same-sex weddings.

Later, the state’s top Republican legislative leaders announced they were changing the law to specify that it will not authorize discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity. A different cast stood behind them, including a prominent gay businessman and corporate leaders from Eli Lilly, the Indiana Pacers........

The winds have shifted swiftly, leaving some Conservative Christian leaders unsettled and uncertain about what may come next for religious freedom state laws.

Here is what's coming:
"'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? 5"You hypocrite.......
"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.…"
"Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
"for all have sinned and fall short "
Count on it.    Just a thought.

Less Pasta

When Pope Francis began his speech, an aide attempted once again to make the child return to his seat.

Pope Francis is being warned by Italian doctors to “eat less pasta, walk more often, and lose a little weight to take some strain off his aching back,”.

The workaholic 78-year-old Francis, who’s not been shy about his love of pizza and who typically rises at 4:30 a.m. to start his busy days, also admitted in his Holy Thursday homily that he’s just exhausted.

Last month, Francis suggested he, too, had retirement on his mind when he told the Mexican broadcast outlet Televisa that he felt his papacy would last only “four or five years …

An overbooked, stressful schedule has forced Francis to miss his daily walks, and the weight gain has made the pope fatigued and is causing him back issues. A healthier diet and more regular exercise should help with all of his health issues, according to the doctors.

You may be the "Pope" of your family, so that is what you have to do.

 Just a thought.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Newly Wed-II

Police in Washington, D.C., arrested a woman in connection with the killing of a lawyer who was found stabbed to death inside a district hotel room.
Police charged Jamyra Gallmon, 21, with first-degree felony murder while armed in connection with the death of David Messerschmitt. His body was found inside a room at the Donovan Hotel 2/2010.

Messerschmitt, 30, had sent a text message to his wife the day before his body was discovered, saying he'd be home in an hour.  But when the newlywed didn't return to his home in Capitol Hill, his wife, Kim Vuong, filed a missing persons report. 

Police didn't say what evidence led investigators to charge Gallmon but said they believe she was pictured in a surveillance video released by police. She will appear in court soon.

Last week, Vuong asked for help finding her husband's alleged killer,  "In one day, I lost the most important person in my life and the man I loved so much," she said. 

Real life stories can be stranger than fiction. Just a thought.


PHOTO: Anthony Stokes was killed during a police chase.

Anthony Stokes, 17, was driving a car that matched the description of a car used to flee a home burglary, in which a masked person allegedly shot a gun at an 81-year-old woman who was home, Roswell Police spokeswoman Officer Lisa Holland told ABC News.
The driver allegedly refused to stop, and they chased him. "The car lost control at an intersection, ran over a curb, hit a pedestrian and ran into big, metal pole," Holland said.
Stokes had an enlarged heart in 2013 and was given six months to live without a heart transplant. At the time, doctors said they wouldn't give him a transplant because of "noncompliance," which means they didn't think he could be trusted to follow medical directions.
His mother told ABC News, at the time, that she thought doctors made their decision to deny Anthony because he had low grades and trouble with the law.   Stokes died from injuries sustained in the crash.                   Why running from the police? It always end badly.
Just a thought.