John Booker Jr. struck others as strange or even troubled but also as a young man not shy about discussing his faith or debating Islamic philosophy at the mosque.
But the 20-year-old Topeka resident told a confidante informant that he wasn't liked at his mosque because he expressed support for the terrorist group al-Qaida - views that would have gotten him barred. The cleric said the FBI brought Booker to the mosque and sought counseling to turn him from views behind Facebook postings about plans to die in a jihad.
Booker was in contact with two informants portraying Islamic State group sympathizers. He was arrested trying to arm a 1,000-pound bomb outside Fort Riley.
Kansas' top federal prosecutor also charged another Topeka man, Alexander Blair, 28, with failing to report Booker's plans to authorities. He loaned Booker money to rent space to build and store a bomb. Remove the support. Just a thought.