Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

اختلاف الفكر والتفكير


A woman holds up badges as she takes part the March for Choice, calling for the legalising of abortion in Ireland.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar confirmed that Ireland will hold a referendum on abortion soon. The electorate will be asked if they want to repeal or retain the eighth amendment to the constitution, which effectively bans terminations. 

Varadkar is acting on the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly which considered balanced evidence on abortion, and voted overwhelmingly for liberalisation. He is also acting on the advice of an all-party Oireachtas committee, which reviewed the assembly’s findings. The additional constitutional clause is the recommendation of the attorney general.  


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Protests have flared across Ireland after a defense lawyer showed a 17-year-old girl's thong or G-string in court as alleged proof of her consent in a rape case.
The outrage has included a female lawmaker brandishing underwear in parliament and women posting pictures of their thongs online with the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent.
A barrister actually told a jury to 'look at the way she was dressed', that she was 'open to meeting someone' because she was 'wearing a thong with a laced front'", Coppinger added.
Protests in the cities of Dublin and Cork as no- with women appearing brandishing pairs of underwear and placards emblazoned with the phrase "This is not consent."
Culture places "enormous pressure" on women and girls "to be sexualized and to present sexually"  but that rape trials then often punish that same behaviour with the use of such "evidence."


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Some would like to have a comfortable life regardless who provide it. But then after a while, they may realize the cost of it.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Are you...

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What we're asking from a man vs. a woman may make a big difference in shaping our priorities in life. It may be also the cause of equal pay problem.

He may value the success in life through work achievement while she...

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Not Me...

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How many times do our children run up to us to share a grievance toward another child? Generally these complaints involve rules that have been broken. We spend a lot of time teaching our kids “the rules” — use your inside voice, share your toys with your friends, keep your hands to yourself, etc. The list goes on. It’s natural for a child to want to call attention to perceived rule breaking, but “Do not tattle” can also become a new rule for your child to follow.


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If you're the child of a narcissist, you will likely struggle with these problems:
  • Codependency in other relationships.
  • Weak sense of self.
  • Poor interpersonal boundaries and inability to say “no”
  • Chronic guilt or shame.
  • Self-loathing.
  • Emptiness.
  • Trust issues.
  • Inability to express or handle emotions.


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This tighty-whitie guy is cheeky and puckish. He doesn't get embarrassed easily and is self-aware in a way that is actually super-sexy. He knows himself and that makes him cool without even trying.

A guy in a thong is a fearless man. He is his own damn person. And that is what is important to the thong-clad man. He wants to look good and is willing to give up a little comfort if he needs to, even though no one asked him to do that. He is a total goddamn weirdo, but he's just doing his thing. 

His jockstrap is reminiscent of his old football days and he just doesn't want to leave the past behind. The man had buttcheeks that could cut diamonds.  He's not going to cover that memory up with some flabby boxers.  He likes to party and he likes to dance, a good-time guy. He might not make the best boyfriend, but he'll be a great fling. He's too lazy for real underwear, but too cool for tighty-whities. 

A commando guy might be called down-to-earth by some or dirty by others:  If he's not one to wear underwear, he's not one to sweat the small stuff. He likes old Western movies and smoking pot out of an apple pipe. He probably does something off the cuff manning the bar at a cool, low-key dive bar, while likely still living with his parents. Hey, it's rent-free.


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Since most romance novels and romantic comedies are pitched to female audiences, men actually have a more romantic outlook on love than women do

A much-used measure of romanticism, the Romantic Beliefs Scale, asks people to rate the extent to which they agree with statements like, “There will only be one real love for me,” and, “If I love someone, I know I can make the relationship work, despite any obstacles.

"It turns out that men typically outscore women on this measure.1 Men are also more likely than women to believe in the romantic notion of “love at first sight.”2,3

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


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We have always been told that dance is very revealing. It has the power to strip and expose the dancer so much that whatever a dancer is going through emotionally, is often revealed through his/her dance. The same is true about sex. The way we behave sexually, says quite a bit about our perceptions of sex, our attitude towards sex, our comfort with our own sexuality (or lack thereof) and our beliefs about sex itself.


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"I'm just going to leave you here," it opens up the possibility that you will not be there to protect and care for them. For a child, the thought that you could leave them alone in a strange place is both terribly frightening and can begin to erode their attachment to you as the secure base from which they can encounter the world....

Monday, November 12, 2018


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In the United States, Irreconcilable Differences is one of several possible grounds often used as justification for a no-fault divorce. In many cases, irreconcilable differences were the original and only grounds for no-fault divorce.[1] California now lists one other possible basis, "incurable insanity", on its divorce petition form.[2]
Any sort of difference between the two parties that either cannot or will not be changed can be considered irreconcilable differences. A difference could be that of a difference in character, personality, belief, or some other personality trait. Some states use the terms irremediable breakdown, irretrievable breakdown, or incompatibility. In some states where the official grounds is 'irreconcilable differences', the statutory definition of that term may include a waiting period or a mutual-consent requirement.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


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Given the frequency of money fights, it’s no wonder that a recent study of engaged couples found that more than two-thirds of the couples expressed negative attitudes about discussing money.  While confidence about being about to talk productively about this sensitive subject was low and their dread was high, almost half said that they would want to face this awkward subject nonetheless.  
At the same time, 1 out of every 12 couples in the study, feared that if they tried to talk about their financial realities, they would end up breaking off the engagement.  
So if you think couples fight a lot about sex, take a look at the stats for fights about money.  

Saturday, November 10, 2018


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There's a new incentive to doing good things for others: It makes you happier.
Michael Steger, a psychologist at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, has always been amazed by how differently people lead their lives.  
Steger couldn’t help but wonder which behavior makes people happier—seeking pleasure or doing good? 
The more people participated in meaningful activities, the happier they were and the more purposeful their lives felt. Pleasure-seeking behaviors, on the other hand, did not make people happier.


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“The clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day. Housework is also annoying because, and it’s highly likely that the woman end up doing most of it, no matter who earns more, or who spends longer at the office.


This is me and my husband BUT it's always him pushing me off the bed. 
It’s worth experimenting until you find the right combination of bedroom environment and nighttime habits that best helps you sleep. Imagine how much better you’ll feel with a full night’s rest—every night!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Hang on...

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Issues that hinder the right connection.

  • You’re too picky and demand conformity to some perfect ideal
  • You’re emotionally unavailable and dissociated
  •  You’re distrustful.
  • You’re unfriendly.
  • Financial standing.


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