Sunday, September 10, 2023



President Biden visited Vietnam on Sunday to celebrate a new upgrade in Washington-Hanoi relations, despite concerns about the country’s recent authoritarian crackdown and a report that it is secretly in pursuit of an arms deal with Russia.
The trip to Hanoi was centered on the signing of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with the Vietnamese, a symbolic but significant status long coveted by the United States. Since taking office, Mr. Biden has sought to enhance relations with several Southeast Asian nations because of their tactical value as a bulwark against rising Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific region.  
CNN's Jeremy Diamond asked him about whether he was "putting the US’s strategic interests above those of human rights." 
 the G 20 followed by Vietnam. Is that one success story after another?
"Vietnam in particular has a poor record as it relates to any political dissent. They are the third-largest jailer of journalists in the world. And the president said, I don’t put anything above human rights. 

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