Scammers are flooding the United States with Chinese-language robocalls, causing major headaches from coast to coast.
Your phone rings, you pick up, a prerecorded voice message meets your ears. The recording, which often sounds like a young woman, usually delivers a message about lowering credit-card rates or buying into cheap health insurance.
The Chinese scammer s claim to be counselate rep.
The important thing to remember is that sales robocalls are illegal in the United States. So, don’t expect the person on the other end of the line to follow through on whatever deal they claim to offer.
If you get a call or message like this, hang up or delete it, and then tell the FTC. If you have business with the real Chinese Consulate and you’re worried, contact the real Chinese Consulate by looking up your local office’s number. But, whatever you do, don’t give out your information – or your money – to anyone who contacts you out of the blue.
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