Saturday, October 1, 2016


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kopi luwak, also called civet coffee, is the most expensive coffee in the world.

One cup of this special coffee may cost $30 – $80, and just one pound of it will squeeze at least $100 out of your wallet. This extremely expensive coffee became famous after being featured in the movie “Bucket List”.

Kopi luwak is not a coffee species like Arabica Coffee or other Coffee. In fact, kopi luwak coffee can consist from coffee beans of all species. Its name indicates the special coffee processing that made it so famous. “Kopi” is the Indonesian word for coffee and “Luwak” refers to the palm civet cat that eats and digests coffee beans.

These digested coffee beans are used for kopi luwak coffee. The coffee beans are washed, roasted and brewed before they land in your coffee cup. The kopi luwak processing is very unusual, but why is this coffee so expensive?

This is the reason civet farming became popular in the last few years. It is estimated that about 50 tons of kopi luwak coffee is produced annually in civet farms.   Conditions in civet farms are not optimal. The animals are caged and forced to feed on provided coffee beans from bowls.
So Pre-digested, as long as expensive. Just a thought.

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