With the media’s designated front-runners both struggling, the prognosticators who deemed Donald Trump a sideshow are picking their jaws off the floor and forging a new theory.
And can you blame them? Washington has been
mired in gridlock for decades.
In one poll, Trump is leading with 23 percent, and Ben Carson has 18%.
Jeb, the $100-million candidate who everyone in the media saw as the man to beat, tied with Marco Rubio at 6 percent, behind Ted Cruz and Scott Walker (who’s faded in recent months) with 8 percent.
While Trump is hitting such hot-button issues as
immigration, he also says he wants to
raise taxes on wealthy hedge fund managers. People are drawn to him because of his
flamboyant personality, his record as a successful developer and because he doesn't have to beg donors for money.
In fact, the Trump phenomenon is reminiscent of Pat Buchanan in1992.
“Both are
harsh critics of free trade, both
oppose illegal immigration, both spoke out against the Iraq War and find themselves at odds with the party’s hawks.
They each wear accusations of racism, xenophobia, and hatred as a badge of honor for bravery against the forces of political correctness. And they share a certain style: blunt talk, raised voices, jabbed fingers, and pounded podiums.”
Take a chance on Trump, follow his lead, stimulate his discussion, and see what happens next.
Just a thought.