Monday, July 13, 2015


A cheap new designer drug called flakka is causing havoc in cities across America.
It can cause bizarre and violent reactions which include psychotic breakdowns, hallucinations and indiscriminate violence.

Mike Haney, who lives near Chicago, said he doesn't remember what he did for two days after taking flakka. "I was completely out of my mind.  I could have killed myself," Haney said.

Flakka, also known as gravel, is a synthetic stimulant, a cousin of the drug found in baths salts. It's an ever-changing mixture of various substances and can come in a capsule or powder. Users can smoke, or swallow.
Stanfill said flakka is often imported from China. It's up to 10-times cheaper than the synthetic drug cocktail "Molly"; just three to five dollars per hit, and easier to get.
It's described as more powerful than heroin or cocaine and users are often numb to pain.

Those who make flakka are constantly changing its makeup, so as to fool common tests.   Patients on this drug are taking several weeks longer to recover than those on other drugs, or even crystal meth.

The DEA's Miami division told CBS News it has already seized over three times the amount of alpha-PVP in the first six months of this year than it seized in all of last year.

Need a scientific replacement that helps the patients and the healthcare professionals. 
Just a thought.

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