Sunday, May 31, 2015

Moderate? Not.

US Military

Republicans have no shortage of presidential contenders, and the field just got even more crowded when former New York Gov. George Pataki became the eighth Republican to officially launch a bid. The party could have as many as 22 if everyone who's expressed interest decides to get in.
Just about every Republican candidate is vying to be considered the most conservative candidate in the 2016 race, from social issues to taxes and federal spending.
Pataki boasts of shrinking New York's welfare state and lowering its taxes. 
But he's further to the left. Notably, he believes climate change is a problem. He is for a "cap-and-trade" system to limit carbon emissions in the U.S.; and he supported abortion rights as governor.
He sides with the likes of Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum in calling for more U.S. ground troops to be sent to Iraq to fight ISIS.
In the most recent major GOP-primary poll, released Thursday by Quinnipiac, Pataki failed to garner even one percent. The leaders, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson, sat at 10 percent each.

He is way off the Republican ideas except for the war. Don't send our boys to war in the Middle East. Let the Middle East adjust itself and they started. 

Just a thought

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