Saturday, February 22, 2014

FDA's New Paradigm, see a ....Pharmacist

Research shows that 20 percent of patients with prescriptions do not get them filled. In addition, the time or cost required visiting a doctor to receive a prescription or refill often stops patients.

The FDA thinks that some doctors' visits can be eliminated.  It is exploring ways to make drugs for common conditions available as nonprescription products. Under this paradigm, the agency would approve drugs -- that would otherwise require a prescription -- for over-the-counter (OTC) distribution, if certain conditions are followed.

For example, before getting a medication, you might have to talk with a pharmacist, or need to have a diagnostic test. In other cases, you might have to visit a physician for original prescription, but not to get refills. FDA is also considering whether some drugs could be a prescription drug and a nonprescription drug with conditions of safe use.

Another scenario for enhancing self-care could involve pharmacists that could help consumers verify their diagnosis, or decide whether the medication is right.
Pharmacists could also reinforce directions for use,” said Woodcock.

Potential benefits for consumers from this initiative are: an increase in the appropriate use of medication, decreases in health costs, greater access to health screening, easier access to needed medications, and better, more consistent treatment of common conditions.

This mimic some of my patent Application with a pharmacist role expands as in the rest of the advanced world.
Just a thought

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