Thursday, October 3, 2019


Image result for medication taxation cartoon

Free, Free, Free- Keep your eye on the ball.  Just a thought.


Image result for red meat, cold cuts

Heart attacks require immediate medical attention to minimise the amount of damage done to a person’s heart muscle. While heart attacks can happen suddenly, it tends to be an accumulation of unhealthy lifestyle decisions that lead up to the event.   

 As more and more evidence emerges about the link between red and processed meats and heart disease, people are increasingly following a plant-based diet.  

 A new study has revealed that halving the amount red and processed (RPM) meat in the diet can have a significant impact on health, reducing the amount of LDL 'bad' cholesterol in the blood which cuts the risk of developing heart disease.

“The results of the present study showed that, even in relatively young and healthy individuals, making relatively small changes to RPM intake induced significant changes in LDL cholesterol which, if maintained over a period of time could potentially reduce the risk of developing heart disease."

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Image result for pelosi-ukraine cartoon
Since the beginning of the Trump presidency, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been fending off calls to impeach Trump. The clamor started on the left fringe and quickly worked its way toward her inner circle, with committee chairs and her close friends in the conference publicly embracing impeachment in increasing numbers following the 2018 midterm.
On top of the dam breaking in Pelosi’s conference, clear majorities of Democratic voters have favored impeaching Trump for two years, even as clear majorities of the broader electorate did not. 
The intensity of partisan Democratic opinion has been magnified by the presidential primary, with numerous candidates  most notably Elizabeth Warren  loudly banging the impeachment drum, and attracting large crowds in the process. 
This is about the coming election. How to move the pendulum to the Democratic side. It is the power in money, taxation, influence and avoid being run over by Trump's economics.

Just a thought.


Image result for pelosi-Impeachment cartoon
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Saturday that she is heartbroken and prayerful as House Democrats move forward with their impeachment inquiry and that President Donald Trump's actions left her no other choice.
"This is a very sad time for our country. There is no joy in this," she said. "We must be somber, we must be prayerful and we must pursue the facts further to make a decision as to, Did this violate the Constitution of the United States? Which I believe it did."


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Outta here...

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The Ukraine story will sink Jo Biden further. While the Democrats are pointing the fingers somewhere else. Yet the issue will circle back and again to Jo. Just a thought.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Slide 4 of 50: Gary Varvel/


Slide 9 of 50: The News In Cartoons


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An hour after causing public panic by saying a cougar escaped from a zoo in Kansas. Officials said the animal never actually left the grounds and has since been captured.
Initially, officials in Independence said the cougar escaped from the Riverside Park and Ralph Mitchell Zoo and that local law enforcement, along with park officials, were searching the area for any sign of the animal.

If the cougar didn't escape, then the report of recapturing the wild animal is incorrect.
Just a thought.


Donald Trump holding a sign in front of a crowd: Impeachment Is A Winning Strategy For Trump — Fundraising Dollars Show It

Efforts to impeach Donald Trump have been made by various people and groups who assert that U.S. president Donald Trump has engaged in impeachable activity both before and during his presidency

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment proceedings because of reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of Ukraine.[7] 

The Democrats gained control of the House in 2019 and launched multiple investigations into Trump's actions and finances.

No impeachment steps were taken against presidents of the US who started Wars in the Middle East for no good reason and caused generational deterioration in the progress of humanities,  killed directly or indirectly hundred of thousands of civilians and military people.
Just a thought