Friday, June 2, 2017

Any One...?

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Japanese people enjoy one of the longest average life spans in the world  86 years for women and 79 for men (80 & 75 respective for Americans)  with far lower rates of obesity and chronic diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease and some types of cancer.

The diet incorporates lower-calorie foods served in controlled portions. They eat around 25 per cent fewer calories than the average western person.

The secret is to replace energy-dense foods, like chocolate, potato chips, and cookies, with less energy-dense, like fruits, vegetables, etc. In a study from Penn. State U., researchers served women meals that were 25% smaller than average and contained 30% fewer calories according to the principles of energy density. They ended up eating an average of 800 calories less per day, without missing the extra food.

The Japanese achieve a lot of physical activity by simple actions such as walking, climbing stairs and using a bicycle to run errands. Try the new method, it may work for you.  Just a thought.

Still Talking...

The cartoonist's homepage,

Thursday, June 1, 2017


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It’s a huge morning of news from Andy Rubin’s Essential: a new Android phone with a unique edge-to-edge display, a modular accessory system, a new 360 camera for that system, and a new intelligent speaker with a huge circular display.

But the biggest news of all might be the OS that runs on that speaker. Essential is calling it Ambient OS, and says that the goal is to “activate” your home by understanding the physical layout of your home, its occupants, and the various services and devices available to them.

Ambient calls this “activating” your home, and says the Ambient OS is an “API” to all those things in combinations, allowing new kinds of applications to exist on top of them — like flashing your lights when a timer goes off.


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Funny Introvert Comics

Don't Say

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Many people have so much to say, particulary the news commentators. Poor are the rest of us.