Thursday, August 8, 2024



Consuming a drink with erythritol — an artificial sweetener used to add bulk to stevia and monk fruit and to sweeten low-carb keto products, more than doubled the risk of blood clotting in 10 healthy people, according to a new pilot study.

Clots can break off blood vessels and travel to the heart, triggering a heart attack, or to the brain, triggering a stroke. Previous research has linked erythritol to a higher risk of stroke, heart attack and death.

What is remarkable is that in every single subject, every measure of platelet responsiveness (clotting) went up following the erythritol ingestion,” said lead study author Dr. Stanley Hazen, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Diagnostics and Prevention at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute.

Consuming a drink with an equal amount of glucose, or sugar, did not affect blood platelet activity in another group of 10 people, said Hazen, who is also the Jan Bleeksma chair in vascular cell biology and atherosclerosis at the Cleveland Clinic.

“This is the first direct head-to-head comparison of the effects of ingesting glucose versus ingesting erythritol on multiple different measures of platelet function,” Hazen said. “Glucose doesn’t impact clotting, but erythritol does.”




Ping Pong Can Help Fight Dementia:

Ping pong can be a real ally in the fight against dementia
When you play ping pong; your brain gets a serious exercise too. The fast-paced nature of the game demands quick thinking and sharp reflexes, which helps to improve cognitive functions and enhance mental alertness. This kind of mental engagement is crucial in maintaining brain health and can potentially delay the onset of dementia and other cognitive impairments.
Moreover, the aerobic exercise involved in moving around the table increases blood flow to the brain, which is essential for maintaining healthy brain cells. Plus, the social aspect of ping pong – playing with others, enjoying a shared activity – contributes to emotional well-being, which is another key factor in overall brain health.
In essence, ping pong offers a unique combination of physical activity, mental agility, and social interaction, making it a great activity for keeping your mind sharp and potentially warding off the effects of dementia.
Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


BRICS alliance is attracting new members from all corners who want to join the bloc and ditch the US dollar for trade. 

The alliance is becoming lucrative for developing countries that want to strengthen their local currencies and native economies. 

These nations are eager to break free from the clutches of the US dollar and make either their local currencies, CBDCs, or even Bitcoin the legal tender for cross-border transactions. Just a thought.


We live in an alternative Universe.... An alternative universe is a hypothetical or imaginary world that coexists with our known universe but is very different from itIt is often a variant form of the real world, depicting a different way events could have unfolded or the universe could have functioned

 Alternative universes are common settings for works of science fiction, fantasy, and fan fiction.

Biden Debate..






Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, libya