Sunday, July 28, 2024




Democratic convention delegates may have been justified in picking whichever ticket seemed most likely to bring victory in November.

Biden made a mistake in seeking a second term. And he made another by refusing to bow out swiftly once the debate made his unfitness plain. But on Sunday, he did the best he could to reverse some of the damage. It’s now incumbent on Harris — and all other Democrats — to put together a campaign strong enough to reverse the rest.

In His finishing his job, protectig Democracy, he appointed someone to run, just blocking many who are far better in the Democratic party. Just a thought.

Saturday, July 27, 2024



Mad as he was - and still is - Mr Biden came grudgingly to accept he could not sustain his campaign with poll numbers slipping, donors fleeing and party luminaries pushing him to exit.

 He may have been slower than other Democratic insiders to make that calculation, but he fully understood it by Saturday night.

The One debate with Donald Trump showed clearly, to the public, what this white House internal works in these circumstances.

The President of the USA who takes orders from no one, running for a second term, that was yesterday.

Today, is someone else who moved from the shadow to the spotlight. ...More of the Democrat elites, the Media, and others are nominating, supporting, singing the praises and the hallelujahs to someone else..   How time has changed overnight.  



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Two things can be simultaneously true. First, that Joe Biden has been dragged, against his will, to this decision. And second, that he has shown true leadership, putting to one side his ego and ambition for the greater good.

One thing is clear. With a single statement, power has seeped away from Biden and towards his vice-president, Kamala Harris, whom he endorsed last night. And while Harris has not been formally anointed by the Democrats, it appears improbable that anyone can defeat her in an abridged contest in such a short time.

Thursday, July 25, 2024



 Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.Res. 1371, a resolution strongly condemning the failure of the Biden administration and “border czar” Kamala Harris to secure the United States’ borders:

Vice President Kamala Harris is not just a failed border czar—she is an extremist on border security and immigration enforcement, as her record as a senator, presidential candidate, and vice president makes abundantly clear. In March 2021, President Biden told the country that Vice President Harris was ‘the most qualified person to…lead our efforts’ in stemming the flood of illegal aliens across our Southwest border.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
