Monday, July 22, 2024



Joe Biden's campaign has been thrust into a pressure cooker of doubt, as panic and worry about his election chances pour in from the highest levels of the Democratic party.

In recent days, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have all reportedly expressed concerns in private to Mr Biden about his candidacy.

Even his former running mate, former President Barack Obama, has reportedly said Mr Biden's chances of winning the election have greatly diminished.

A 6 July letter from high-ranking congressman Jamie Raskin was made public on Thursday, where the Maryland representative compared the president to a baseball pitcher whose arm has "tired out".

Mr Biden, 81, has repeatedly and defiantly declared he is "not going anywhere", urging his party to refocus on the task of defeating Donald Trump.

But the calls to exit are nearing a crescendo as Democratic politicians, donors and voters speak out against the president's candidacy. just a thought.

Will he..




Saturday, July 20, 2024


The Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that Biden could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House in November if he continues seeking a second term, according to four sources briefed on the call.

The president responded by pushing back, telling Pelosi he has seen polls that indicate he can win, one source said.
He insisted to run... Anything to improve the lives of people? High cost food?


Friday, July 19, 2024



Guo Wengui, a self-exiled Chinese business tycoon whose criticism of the Communist Party won him legions of online followers was convicted by a U.S. jury engaging in a massive multiyear fraud that ripped off some of his most devoted fans.
Guo, who left China in 2014 during an anticorruption crackdown that ensnared people close to him.
Chinese authorities accused him of rape, kidnapping, bribery and other crimes, but Guo said those allegations were false and designed to punish him for publicly revealing corruption as he criticized leading figures in the Communist Party.  
Prosecutors say hundreds of thousands of people were convinced to invest more than $1 billion in entities Guo controlled. Among those businesses and organizations was Guo’s media company, GTV Media Group Inc., and his so-called Himalaya Farm Alliance and the Himalaya Exchange.



The former federal prosecutor who oversaw more than 200 cases related to protests of former President Trump’s 2017 inauguration has been accused of withholding evidence, according to an attorney disciplinary claim.
Jennifer Kerkhoff Muyskens, formerly of the D.C. district attorney’s office, allegedly attempted to hide from the court that Project Veritas was the source of the video evidence by removing references to the group and editing out some clips, which it argued deprived the defendants of a complete legal defense.  
Muyskens’s charges against more than 100 defendants were eventually dropped after some early trials ended in acquittals        [The Hill ]





A day..