Friday, July 19, 2024



The former federal prosecutor who oversaw more than 200 cases related to protests of former President Trump’s 2017 inauguration has been accused of withholding evidence, according to an attorney disciplinary claim.
Jennifer Kerkhoff Muyskens, formerly of the D.C. district attorney’s office, allegedly attempted to hide from the court that Project Veritas was the source of the video evidence by removing references to the group and editing out some clips, which it argued deprived the defendants of a complete legal defense.  
Muyskens’s charges against more than 100 defendants were eventually dropped after some early trials ended in acquittals        [The Hill ]





A day..


Thursday, July 18, 2024



Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is calling on President Joe Biden to “pass the torch” and step aside from the 2024 presidential race.

Schiff, who is expected to become California’s next senator, is a former House Intelligence Committee chair. He is also a close ally of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has been privately fielding caucus concerns about Biden.

“While the choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is time for him to pass the torch,” Schiff said in a statement, first reported by the Los Angeles Times.



new poll showed poor results if Democrats decide to run anyone from the Biden-Harris administration against former President Donald Trump.

A polling memo from BlueLabs Analytics, which concluded just before the Saturday assassination attempt, surveyed 15,000 voters across seven battleground states. 

The findings, obtained by Politico, are sure to give fuel to rivals of President Joe Biden within the Democratic Party, finding that nearly every other Democrat tested performed better than him in a matchup with former President Donald Trump. 

His administration also seems to have had a toxic effect, with candidates unconnected to the administration performing better than those who served in it. ]Politico]

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



Donald Trump, with a bandage on his right ear, pictured at the Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum on July 16, 2024 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A new survey put Trump just over three points ahead of Joe Biden.





Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Just when it looked like President Joe Biden was starting to unite congressional Democrats around his embattled reelection bid, the dam has cracked.
A drip-drip of calls from party faithful for a dramatic last-minute change atop the Democratic ticket this November is turning into something else entirely.
What had started as pleadings from a few lone lawmakers, donors and media figures in its earliest days after the incumbent 81-year-old's poor performance at his June 27 debate with Republican Donald Trump, now includes warnings from the country's first-ever female House speaker, plus senior Senate Democrats and the nation's most well-known celebrities' donors.