Wednesday, January 10, 2024



During a campaign-style Friday speech at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, President Joe Biden boasted about the three-month decline in gas prices.

Biden said: “Gas prices – I know I got criticized for going into the stockpile. But guess what? Gas prices are down, $1.30 a gallon. And in 41 states plus the District of Columbia, the average gasoline price is less than $2.99.”

Facts First: Biden’s claim about average gasoline prices was false, as the White House acknowledged by correcting the official transcript after CNN inquired about the claim on Friday afternoon. In fact, zero states have an average price under $2.99 per gallon, figures from GasBuddy and the American Automobile Association show. As the correction notes, Biden got a key digit wrong: 41 states and the District of Columbia have an average price under $3.99, not $2.99.

Biden has correctly used the $3.99 figure in previous remarks. But the price of gas is one of the most important numbers in politics. Even if the President made an inadvertent error this time, his incorrect remark was televised live on CNN and MSNBC.

 Deliberate gimmick. Just a thought.



Jill and I are praying for the people of Japan who have been impacted by the terrible earthquake. My administration is in touch with Japanese officials, and the United States stands ready to provide any necessary assistance for the Japanese people.

What a great compassion for Human suffering...  

Not for those humans bombed using US ammunition.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


A mob of sticky-fingered migrants stormed into Manhattan’s Bloomingdale’s and tried to swipe a trove of Versace, Dior and Prada designer sunglasses totaling $5,300 — before all but one of them escaped, police sources said Sunday.

About 15 asylum-seekers swarmed the high-end Midtown retailer shortly before 6:30 p.m. Saturday and grabbed more than a dozen pairs of the pricey sunglasses before making a run for it, sources said.

In a troubling trend in recent years, gangs of thieves throughout the country have overwhelmed merchants in grab-and-run heists that retailers have difficulty thwarting.

Last week, more than 100 troublemakers stormed into a California bakery and trashed the eatery before running off and leaving the storeowner devastated.



Kicks Off..


Then: If you didn't vote for me "you Ain't Black"

Now:  If you didn't vote for me "Democracy will be lost"





We discovered a new word   " Democracy.."  We use it for our own convenience.
