Monday, December 25, 2023




As Russia's war against Ukraine is set to soon enter its third year, Ukraine is getting desperate for more troops, so much so that military recruiters have confiscated people's passports and even tried to enlist a mentally disabled man, per a new report on recruiting efforts citing lawyers, activists, and other concerned civilians.
"There's lawlessness here," a 58-year-old Ukrainian taxi driver told The New York Times in a report published on Friday that details the forceful tactics Ukraine military recruiters have been reportedly taking to boost the Eastern European country's manpower in the bloody fight against Russia.
The taxi driver from the Ukrainian city of Kitsman told the Times that military recruiters seized his passport and only returned it to him days later after he showed up to a medical screening.
Local residents told the new outlet that recruiters from Kitsman have gotten a reputation as "people snatchers." 
When the people don't want war anymore while the politicians want it to continue by all means.





Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote an op-ed Monday outlining three prerequisites for peace in the region: the destruction of Hamas, the demilitarization of Gaza and the beginning of a deradicalization process of Palestinian society.
In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Netanyahu said once those three requirements are met, “Gaza can be rebuilt and the prospects of a broader peace in the Middle East will become a reality.
On the other hand I think Israel should return the territories that been taken from the Palestinians, Re build Gaza to state of the art, and stop killing civilians to clear the land for a larger Jewish State on the expenses of the poor Palestinians.

Sunday, December 24, 2023



The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 indoors is as great at 60 feet as it is at 6 feet — even when wearing a mask.

MIT professors Martin Z. Bazant, who teaches chemical engineering and applied mathematics, and John W.M. Bush, who teaches applied mathematics, developed a method of calculating exposure risk to Covid-19 in an indoor setting that factors in a variety of issues that could affect transmission, including the amount of time spent inside, air filtration and circulation, immunization, variant strains, mask use, and even respiratory activity such as breathing, eating, speaking or singing.

“What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be. Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good,” Bazant said. “I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.”

Six-feet social distancing rules that inadvertently result in closed businesses and schools are “just not reasonable,” according to Bazant.



  • Thousands gathered in Tel Aviv to call for the Israeli government to immediately bring back remaining hostages held in Gaza, after three Israeli hostages were mistakenly killed in the enclave Friday by the Israel Defense Forces.
  • They were waving a white flag when they were shot, an IDF official said.
  • One would ask, why were they shot if they were waving white flags? 
  • Why did Israel stopped negotiation to release the rest of hostages in exchange of some Palestinians who are in Israel prison? and why resume bombing Gaza with Major civilian casualties?
  •  What gains Netanyahu gets from this indiscriminate bombardment of Gaza?



Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) warned........ efforts to prevent former President Trump from getting on the ballot in his state could be a “political distraction.” 

Newsom said Friday in a statement. “But, in California, we defeat candidates at the polls.”
Gavin Newsom critized fellow Democrats for considering blocking former president Donald Trump from California's 2024 presidential primary ballot.
Is the Biden's team checking up ahead how to manipulate democracy by preventing people's option in 2024 elections.? 



Recently there have been two incidents in Gaza . On 12 December, there was a skilful triple ambush staged by Hamas paramilitaries in a part of Gaza supposedly controlled by Israeli forces. 

An IDF unit was ambushed and took casualties.
Further troops were sent to aid that unit, and they were then ambushed, as were reinforcements.
Ten IDF soldiers were reported killed and other seriously wounded, but it was their seniority that counted, including as it did a colonel and three majors from the elite Golani Brigade. 
That Hamas, supposedly decimated and with thousands of troops already killed, could mount such an operation anywhere in Gaza, let alone a district reportedly already under IDF control, should raise doubts about the idea that Israel is making substantial progress in the war.
However, what is clear is the Gaza Civilian famine created by Israel on Gaza and the vast loss of lives of civilians as has been reported by variety of sources. [The Guardian]
