Thursday, December 7, 2023



The UN Security Council is expected to meet on Friday to discuss the war in Gaza after Secretary-General António Guterres in a rare move formally urged the 15-member council to "use all of its influence" to prevent "a humanitarian catastrophe" in the enclave.

The big picture: It is the first time Guterres has invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter since being appointed secretary-general in 2017. The rule allows the UN leader to bring any matter he believes threatens "international peace and security" to the Security Council. Guterres on Wednesday repeated his call for a "humanitarian ceasefire."

Wonder why??????????

Saturday, December 2, 2023



My fellow Americans.  We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to determine the future for decades to come.   

 The terrorist group Hamas unleashed pure, unadulterated evil in the world.  But sadly, the Jewish people know, perhaps better than anyone, that there is no limit to the depravity of people when they want to inflict pain on others.  

Then 7 weeks ( 42 days) of bombing everything in Gaza, flattened homes, refuge center, hospitals, schools, houses of worship, innocent elderly, grandparents, kids and babies are killed or injured or worse, slow death due to lack of available care... Israel stopped food, water, fuel from entering the enclave.  

During which, 42 days, 420-day light hours, Israel war Jets bombing, the President of US didn't find the word about how he feels, how Jewish people feel, how Muslim people feel, how Christian people feel, How Humanity feels about Israel and USA. Just a thought.



A new leaked emails revealed that a senior officer who reviewed the intelligence considered it to be “an imaginary scenario”.

The leak describes what key elements of Hamas’s planning for its massacre of 1,200 Israelis on 7 October, including that Israel spotters were aware of senior Hamas officials present as observers during training preparations.

Hamas went as far as giving the mocked-up kibbutz used in training a name and even practised raising a flag over its synagogue.

Plans were also intercepted that discussed overrunning a border military base and killing all of its occupants.

The new leaks and briefings suggest serious failings within the Israel Defense Forces’ intelligence reporting. Or it was a plan to make the Gaza civilian' lives horrible so they can leave their land.  Just a thought.



Vice President Kamala Harris said in a meeting Saturday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi that Washington will not allow for the forced relocation of Palestinians or any redrawing of the current border of the Gaza Strip.

“Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza,” Harris said, according to a statement from the vice president’s office.

Harris said Saturday that while the US supports Israel’s “legitimate military objectives” in Gaza, the civilian suffering inside the enclave has been too high. The vice president said that she spoke in depth with several key leaders in the region about what expectations the US will have with regard to post-conflict planning.

“Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering, and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating,” Harris said at a press conference in Dubai. “It is truly heartbreaking.”