Friday, January 20, 2023





How can this crisis fade easily?
Simple, create another major problem with Russia, China, North Korea, Germany...etc We call it National Security. 



On November 2nd, lawyers emptying Biden's office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington DC, happened upon classified documents.

They alerted the National Archives, the DOJ. No one told the public anything as the country voted in the November 8th midterms.

On November 9th the FBI started a preliminary investigation. In December, more documents turned up. This time at Biden's Wilmington home.

That apparently lit a fire under the U.S. attorney tapped to look into this mess and he recommended Garland appoint a special counsel.

Still, the American people hadn't heard a peep until January 9th, that is, when CBS News reported on the November discovery.

On January 10th, Biden faced reporters' questions for the first-time and he was shocked, shocked like really shocked, to discover that there were classified documents from 10 years ago close to his beloved car.

a Limb..


The "Trusted" Media going on an active drive to say, "what Biden did really is sort of expected."



When the Justice Department lost patience with Donald Trump, who was storing classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, they launched an unprecedented Hollywood-style raid on the former president's home – complete with 30 federal agents and a comprehensive search of Melania's wardrobe.
But when it turns out that Biden was keeping secret material in his personal office and Delaware garage alongside his prized Corvette, suddenly it's like Seinfeld's Uncle Leo stealing from the bookstore, 'I'm an old man!'
Where was the raid on Wilmington?

The horses have now bolted the barn. The opportunity to conduct a credible investigation has passed. The special counsel probe has been spoiled and the bungling Justice Department has bungled another one.



Biden Legacy one disaster after another with uncontrolled inflation which is really taking the country down the tubes.

Tank U..


Biden administration is stuck in a standoff with Germany over whether to send tanks to Ukraine ahead of a key meeting of Western defense leaders in Germany on Friday.

In recent days, German officials have indicated they won't send their Leopard tanks to Ukraine, or allow any other country with the German-made tanks in their inventory to do so, unless the US also agrees to send its M1 Abrams tanks to Kyiv -- something the Pentagon has said for months it has no intention of doing given the logistical costs of maintaining them.

"They have us over a barrel," a senior Biden administration official said, adding that the Germans are demanding tanks for tanks, and not budging on considering any other offers the US has made to spur Berlin to send the Leopards.


What Germany wants is the relationship in Europe, Peace after the war. While the US wants to continue the war and destruction using the Ukraine as a bate.  

The Russia/Ukraine war caused massive problems in Europe and Africa with food shortage and unaffordable prices, this shouldn't continue. 

Just a "Tank U" thought.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023



" Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones " is a proverb used in several European countries pertaining to hypocrisy. 

It means that "One who is vulnerable to criticism regarding a certain issue should not criticize others about the same issue." Just a thought.


Bonnie Sweeten called 911 to report that she and her 9-year-old daughter had been kidnapped by two Black men in a truck. She claimed she was calling from the trunk.

Sweeten was found hiding out and living it up with her daughter in Disney World.

Sweeten was using the name of a former co-worker whose bank accounts she had drained and whose identity she had stolen.

later she had stolen money from a law firm she worked at, its clients, and even a 91-year-old relative afflicted with dementia. 

She was sentenced to eight years in prison.



Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said Russia must be given the opportunity to one day rejoin the international system following any peace deal in Ukraine and dialogue with the country must be ongoing.

It was important to avoid an escalation of conflict between Russia and the West.

This, he said “may cause Russia to reevaluate its historic position, which was an amalgam of an attraction to the culture of Europe and a fear of domination by Europe.”

“The destruction of Russia as a state that can pursue its own policies will open up the vast area of its 11 time zones to internal conflict and to outside intervention at the time when there are 15,000 and more nuclear weapons on its territory.”

The last part seems to be Biden's Corvette hidden documents.                

Just a thought.