Sunday, November 6, 2022





Inflation didn't just happen. It is wrong calculation of actions taken by this administration in the past two years.
The secretary of State, Janet Yellin, a senior administrator with 40 years of service in the financial services, last year said that the "Inflation is Transitory"
That may have been the case at that time, providing that the Administration wouldn't double the inflationary action by the various sanctions against Russia to impede their economy and bring it to its knees. Revenge it is.

Proverbs 26:27 American Standard Version (ASV)
Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein; And he that rolleth a stone, it shall return upon him.



 Preliminary data from Europe's statistics office showed headline inflation came in at an annual 10.7% this month. This represents the highest ever monthly reading since the euro zone's formation. The 19-member bloc has faced higher prices, particularly on energy and food, for the past 12 months. But the increases have been accentuated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in late February.
This proved to be the case once again, with energy costs expected to have had the highest annual rise in October, at 41.9% from 40.7% in September. Food, alcohol and tobacco prices also climbed in the same period, jumping 13.1% from 11.8% in the previous month. 
In Italy, inflation came at 12.8% year on year. Germany 11.6%,  France 7.1%, more than 20% Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. That reflect the level of dependency their nations have, or had, on Russian hydrocarbons.
Sanctions on Russia delivered a knockout to the EU economies which will last for the coming three years. Just a thought.



President Biden took an optimistic tone after visiting California on Friday when he predicted Democrats could win a true majority in the Senate and could maintain control the House in Tuesday's election. 

"I haven’t been in all the House races, but I think we’re going to keep the Senate and pick up a seat," he said after having visited Carlsbad and was en route to Chicago. "I think we have a chance to win in the House."
Biden's remarks go against what many predicted will be a solid night for Republicans amid Biden's declining approval ratings and economic concerns for many Americans.

Saturday, November 5, 2022



Get you..




We place Sanctions on North Korea, and Iran that suffocate its economy and still want them to alien with us against Russia.

Comment: Can we take a second look at all these sanctions. on all these countries. It is hurting the poor and the children. Just a thought.



Yak Yak..



Senior Democrats tend to forget that most Americans don’t hate Trump or love abortion as much as they do. Voters care more about the cost-of-living and crime. Under Biden, inner-city violence has rocketed. So have food and gas (petrol) prices. 

The Inflation Reduction Act may turn out to be one of the worst-named pieces of legislation in recent history. It did little or nothing to reduce prices and in fact introduced yet another vast bout of inflationary government spending in the short-term, while promising higher tax revenues (the hard part) down the line.

Bidenomics is no saner than Trussonomics, when you think about it, although the American economy is of course much more powerful than Britain’s. 

Biden seems to have taken a gamble that inflation will come down to a non-frightening level in time for the midterms. That hasn’t paid off.