Tuesday, May 17, 2022


If you saw a man’s face, that means your focus and enthusiasm make you a pleasure to be around.
You thrive by living in the present and barely dwell on negative experiences in the past.

You live for the moment and once each day is done, you pack it away forever and start the next afresh, which is the only way to feel free, in your opinion.

But, you’re scared of being seen as having emotional baggage.

You choke up and shut down in new relationships and think it’s “normal” but all it does is create distance between you and your partner and torpedoes any chance of a lasting love in the long term.

If you saw the boy, you’re probably a jubilant and wistful person at heart and love being around people. You don’t like being the center of attention but you also can’t go without being in a crowd of familiar faces.

Monday, May 16, 2022



President Joe Biden has sent a powerful message to oil and gas producers: He’s going to do everything in his power to put them out of business. 

“Kiddo,” he told an activist on the campaign trail in 2019, “look in my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel.”

Sure enough, he halted federal lease sales the moment he took office. He also canceled the Keystone pipeline, pushed for companies to address the cost of climate change and moved to dry up their access to capital. 

He’s also failed to issue a new five-year offshore-leasing plan, though the current one expires next month. 

And now, in a lame bid to appear pro-production, he’s threatening tax penalties for companies with federal leases that aren’t pumping up more oil.

With that, the oil prices tripled, Inflation soared, food shortage, and the fear of loosing the power that is reversing his actions.

Who is actually running, surely, this venture to the ground?  Just a thought.

Saturday, May 14, 2022





If Turkey opposes the admission of Finland and Sweden to NATO, as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan indicated Friday he would do, his country would deliver a massive win to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On Thursday, Finland expressed its intention to rapidly apply for NATO membership, and Sweden is expected to decide soon whether it will do the same. 

Erdoğan told reporters in Istanbul Friday that he has been following those developments but added that "we don't hold positive views" on them, according to Reuters.

Turkey is one of NATO's 30 member states, and every member has to back the admission of a new member for an application to be approved. Erdoğan's opposition to Finland and Sweden entering the military alliance would therefore derail any attempts by the two Nordic countries to join. That would be a major victory for Russia's president, who has strongly objected to NATO expansion and this week vowed to take "retaliatory steps" after Finland's leadership announced plans to apply.

Why is USA a member of NATO?  Who are we opposing? and why are we being used to settle Europe own issues? They certainly do better without the interference of the USA.



Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos on Friday accused President Joe Biden of “misdirection” on Twitter in response to the US leader’s tweet saying inflation could be tamed by making wealthy corporations “pay their fair share.”

This is the Amazon founder’s first public spat with Biden and came on a day when Bezos was quite active on the social-media platform. In addition to sparring with Biden about inflation, Bezos engaged in conversations with other Twitter users about space squirrels and dyslexia.

Mr. Biden's attempts to blame everyone else and everything else for the disastrous lack of leadership and the terrible results he is offering and causing the American people.

The disaster will continue with a Bear Market following a recession with retirees hitting the poverty line very soon. What a choice we have made this time!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2022



The fear, the Horror these faces testify to. You don't wish it on your friends or your enemy.

The Vietnam Girl-Napalm. 
The Vietnam War was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.

Biden calls for Putin to face war crimes trial over civilian killings in Ukraine. 2022.








By November 2022, the stock market would have lost 60% of its value and continue its decline. The retirement plans will be deflated to its max, and the retirees who worked all their lives lost the shirts off their backs. The white house cares clearly about sanctions on the Russian people, do their best to impoverish the regular Russians who have no say in their lives. In the process, the sanctions already impacted the middle and lower classes of the US Citizens and the world. 
It's the Democrats hate for the Russians people and wants to maintain an enemy out there.
