Sunday, December 19, 2021



New York City just became the largest city in the US to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings, a step toward the city’s efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050.

The new law, which the city council passed 40-7 on Dec. 15, prohibits new buildings from using gas for heating and cooking beginning in Dec. 2023. Buildings will be wired to power all appliances with electricity. New York City’s law will apply to buildings lower than seven stories beginning in 2023, and buildings taller than seven stories beginning in 2027.

The measure faced fierce opposition from developers and natural gas utilities. National Grid, the region’s natural gas provider, warned that heating buildings with electricity would be more expensive for residents, and could lead to blackouts due to excess demand in the winter.  Nationally, gas utilities have organized campaigns to thwart cities’ efforts to pass gas-ban legislation, and have issued public lobbying campaigns against electrification. Natural gas companies supply 66 million homes (pdf) in the US.

In the summertime, the electric supply is reduced dramatically to all NY City for years. Let us plan for increase the supply before reduce the gas. Just a thought.

Saturday, December 18, 2021



The Game..




The Media is trashing this administration for so many reasons.

This may be a repeat of the movie: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Just a thought.. 



This is a major problem the USA and the world will face in 2022. Inflation is climbing up, much more than anticipated, and to stop it the economy may suffer. 

With President Biden's decision to banned drilling in Federal Land and all other restriction on energy, under the umbrella of Climate Change, the price of energy tripled and or quadrupled. With energy prices going up fast so is many other products associated with it or transported.

Now the same President is asking Russia and the Saudis to increase energy production so the prices in USA decrease. But that is against the interests of the oil producers' countries.

The economy relaxed on free money for few years, with low gas prices, but now, the money may not be too cheap as before and business investment may shrink accordingly. 

The memory of Jimmy Carter's Presidency may scare the world that is much connected today than before.

Just a "scary" thought.





Senator Joe Manchin {Democrat-VA] insisted the corporate tax rate, which Biden proposed raising to 28%, not inch past 25%. In fact, it ended up not being raised at all, thanks to opposition from another hold-out Democrat, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.

Manchin also proposed a 15% corporate minimum rate, as is now included in the bill.

He wanted any excess revenue to go toward paying down debt, but that idea was never embraced by Democrats.

And on the climate change issue, the coal-state senator insisted on a “fuel neutral” energy policy — essentially one that does not favor wind, solar and other renewable energy sources over fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas.

Manchin insisted plans for a clean energy standard run through the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which he chairs.

After Manchin objected, the White House scrapped plans for a nationwide clean energy standard that environmental advocates viewed as the most significant tool for curbing climate change.

The new incentives for renewable energy sources did not come with rollbacks on coal, oil or natural gas.

Just this week, Manchin, as chair of the energy panel, removed a Democratic proposal to permanently ban offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Environmentalists strongly opposed his move, and several Democrats said they would fight to restore the drilling ban.



Just one week before Christmas, the remainder of New York's iconic Radio City Rockettes season was called off, as the city and state continue to deal with a surge of new Covid-19 cases.

New York state on Friday reported 20,627 cases, the highest single-day total since the pandemic began.

After canceling Friday shows of "Christmas Spectacular" due to breakthrough cases, the Rockettes announced later in the day the premature end of the season “due to increasing challenges from the pandemic.”

The Rockettes had returned to the stage in November after the 2020 season was canceled because of the pandemic.

Covid-19 cases have also prompted the recent cancellations of Broadway performances including “Hamilton.”  Just a "sickly" thought.


