Monday, June 29, 2020


Editorial Cartoon U.S. Seattle CHOP no police

16-year-old is dead and a 14-year-old is in critical condition in the latest of a series of shootings inside Seattle’s self-proclaimed police-free zone, known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (Chop).
Initially home to hundreds of protesters, in the last 10 days, four other people were shot in the area, including a 19-year-old man who was killed. The violence has left some officials seriously questioning the safety of the encampment and looking to take steps to dismantle it.

Officers said in a police blog that at about 3am on Monday, a white Jeep Cherokee SUV was reported near a Chop concrete barrier that surrounds the protest area. Several unidentified people then fired shots into the vehicle.

The message of defunding the police is being scrapped as we speak. Just a thought.


Political Cartoon U.S. founding fathers Fauci coronavirus

Strike down...

US supreme court strikes down Louisiana abortion restriction

Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberal justices on the Supreme Court on Monday to block a controversial Louisiana abortion law that critics said would have closed nearly every clinic in the state.
The 5-4 ruling is a win for supporters of abortion rights who argued that the law was not medically necessary and amounted to a veiled attempt to restrict abortion. The law barred doctors from performing the procedure unless they had admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.
The majority opinion was penned by Justice Stephen Breyer, who wrote that the majority "consequently hold that the Louisiana statute is unconstitutional."
Breyer added later: "The evidence also shows that opposition to abortion played a significant role in some hospitals' decisions to deny admitting privileges."
The ruling continues a trend of Roberts siding with liberals in major cases.  

Sunday, June 28, 2020


If You Flee New York's High Taxes You Will Get Audited and Lose ...

Much of the election’s impact on the stock market will depend on whether the Republicans retain control of the Senate as Democrats would then be less likely to enact major economic changes.
Some finance executives and analysts are warning that if the Democrats sweep the White House and the Senate in November, increased regulation and higher taxes would be bad for businesses and could negatively impact the stock market.
“If it looks like the Senate stays Republican than there’s less to worry about in terms of policy changes,” Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist for Charles Schwab, told CNBC.
So it is a sway process. Tax or no tax.


Do the Riots in Minneapolis Forebode Greater Civil Unrest for the US?

Several Minneapolis City Council members who have received death threats following their calls to defund the police have been assigned private security details -- reportedly costing the city $4,500 a day in taxpayer dollars.
The city has spent $63,000 on private security over the last three weeks.
On the other hand the NYPD was tight lipped about the mayor’s protection, when the mayor threw his hat into the presidential ring, he normally travels with eight to 10 officers. Five or six usually go with him out of town, and when first lady Chirlane McCray goes along she has her own security detail.

Syphoning the tax payer's money. Just a thought.

Saturday, June 27, 2020



While former Vice President Joe Biden has been limited in his campaign efforts, the presumptive Democratic nominee has continued to hold virtual town halls.
Here's a look at several incorrect and misleading claims Biden has made during these events and interviews over the past several weeks.   
*The jobs report showed that Hispanic unemployment decreased, not increased as Biden Claimed.
*After Biden claimed endorsement, the organization issued a statement "to clarify that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level."


Political Cartoons on Joe Biden | US News

“People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” Biden said Thursday. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”

As of Thursday, there have been more than 122,000 – not million -- coronavirus deaths in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins figures.  Biden appears to immediately catch himself after his gaffe -- the pool video of Biden’s comments cuts off after he made the remark.

Comments: Biden just want to talk. He made his own stats and own facts right or wrong. He can't say what he is going to do since he didn't do it before. Moreover, he is not all up there. Just a thought