Friday, March 22, 2019


35 years in prison: Man exonerated in rape case and freed
 Archie Williams and Innocence Project Co-Founder Barry Scheck moments after his exoneration on March 21, 2019. Photo courtesy of Innocence Project of New Orleans.
Four decades after the attack on Dec. 9, 1982, when a woman was raped and stabbed in her home in Baton Rouge, La. A different man, Archie Williams, went to prison, even though it was known at the trial that the fingerprints were not his.  
A technician in a crime lab ran the fingerprints collected at the scene of a rape through a national database and established a match with someone else.  
With the help of the innocence project, Mr. Williams was released from the Louisiana State Penitentiary after serving 36 years.  
Mr. Williams said, the prison called Angola, was a tough place but that he had remained hopeful through his Christian faith.  
Mr. Williams said he bore no grudge against the victim for wrongly identifying him at the trial 36 years ago. “I want to soak it all in,” he said. “I want to go to college.”


Slide 28 of 250: Steve Breen/The San Diego Union-Tribune

The Times They Are A-Changin'


Image result for de blasio for president cartoon
He’s the biggest loser.
If Mayor de Blasio decides to run for president he can forget about winning his home state and there’s a good chance he’d even lose New York City, according to a new poll.
A Quinnipiac University poll found that the mayor is the least popular of all the Democrats either in the race for the White House or, as in his case, considering getting in. 
Only 24 percent of state voters of all political persuasions had a favorable opinion of de Blasio, while 49 percent viewed him unfavorably.  
Even among Democrats, the mayor couldn’t break into positive territory  just 36 percent viewed him favorably compared to 38 percent who gave him a thumbs down.

While he thinks of a Democratic run for the White House, his focus is only on himself. Right after he promised he will serve the people for the second term as a mayor, he changed his mind, or simply his mind was there all along.

He just deceived the voters of the city. His performance in this five years were the worst. Deteriorated subway system, NYSHA, Transportation in New York if it snowed, dealing with Sandy storm's waste and mismanagement.

So please, give him the chance to run, we need a mayor who thinks of the city problems today and deal with it today. Don't take his chances to fail.

God Luck America. Just a thought.


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Pharmacists preparing an IV medicine in a clean room. 


Slide 26 of 250: Dana Summers/Tribune Content Agency

Thursday, March 21, 2019


March 18, 2019


Image result for generic valsartan

U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new generic of Diovan (valsartan). Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) that treats high blood pressure and heart failure. The FDA prioritized the review of this drug application to help relieve the recent shortage of this critical medicine as a result of multiple recalls of generic valsartan products from several manufacturers due to the finding that certain lots of valsartan and other ARB medicines contain nitrosamine impurities.
The ongoing recalls to prevent certain lots of valsartan that contain unacceptable limits of impurities has resulted in a shortage of these important medicines. 
So to address the public health consequences of these shortages, we’ve prioritized the review of generic applications for these valsartan products. When faced with a drug shortage situation, the FDA employs a number of strategies to help mitigate the effects of the shortage on patients. 
Now we are talking.  Just a thought.


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Many people in the UK are nostalgic about the past - and, whether it's for proper music stars, sense of community spirit, and many other things.
The study shows many over-50s consider the old days to be better because people were more patient, slower pace of life, family ate around the dinner table and face-to-face conversations.
Others miss the fact that the price of gas and petrol was lower, university education was free and property prices were more affordable

Researchers found that eight in 10 people in this age group are often nostalgic for the past, and two thirds admit they think of their early years through rose-tinted glasses.
Majority believe that developments in technology have improved people's lives for the better,  and minority think social media has worked to make people happier.

Those were the days.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


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Carbohydrates are an often-misunderstood nutrient. Carbohydrates are found in just about every food group — from fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and even protein-containing legumes and nuts. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines advise that we get 45-65 percent of our calories from carb.

Limiting your intake of white bread, white pasta, cakes, cookies and other refined grains is a good idea.

However, cutting out fiber-rich and healthy carbs like those found in fruits, vegetables, legumes including lentils and chickpeas, and healthy whole grains such as steel-cut oats, whole-wheat bread, farro and quinoa is not a good idea.

These carbs may even reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer.

We should focus on unrefined grains which contain all of the healthy components of the grain and are, therefore, rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and other nutrients.