Monday, February 4, 2019

Tombe la neige...


Image result for contraceptives lower women desires

 The literature on erectile dysfunction (ED) and lipid-lowering drugs supports the link between both statins, like Lipitor and Zocor, and fibrates, like TRICOR, and ED.
All individuals taking them should seek natural ways to lower cholesterol. These include low-fat, high-fiber diet and  weekly exercise.
Hypertension Medicine, If only you could ban it from the bedroom. While they do a world of good, these meds can also afflict their users with impotence, ejaculatory disturbances and decreased sex drive.
Contraceptives have long been known for liberating women in the bedroom. Free from the worries of pregnancy, gals are able to let go, unleashing a sexuality never known. Only research says, not so fast ...
In inhibiting the production of hormones, like testosterone, the birth control pill has been found to sap a woman's libido and sexual pleasure. A 2006 study found that women who take the pill have a significantly lower libido than those who don't.
Researchers found that the pill’s side effects, like being bloated, nauseous and breast tenderness, may affect a woman's mood more than the pill itself.


Image result for cancer medication

Although cancer is a global problem, treatment is hardly uniform across countries. Due to largely unregulated drug pricing in the US, cancer patients in the states typically pay drastically more than patients living in other parts of the world.
Another study from 2017 found that, in the US, cancer drugs tend to become more expensive the longer they’re on the market, which is the opposite of what you’d expect as newer options are made available. But, newer drugs were more expensive than older ones. These price hikes didn’t appear to correspond to improved treatment, either.
These are retail prices, so don’t necessarily represent out-of-pocket expenses. The team did not account for health insurance, or some of the cost-cutting options (coupons, essentially) drug makers occasionally offer some patients.  

The House and the Senate held separate drug-price hearings, during which lawmakers floated the idea of shortening the length of time pharmaceuticals patent. But don't hold your breath.


Slide 24 of 72: Michael Ramirez/The Las Vegas Review-Journal
The end is near, Let us collect as much taxes as we can before it is all over. On the other hand, just in case the end is not near.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Feb. 3, 2017


Feb. 17, 2017
Based on our classified intelligence briefing from the president, we conclude...
The Media started give us conclusions followed by analysis to the Assumption they had earlier just to fill the air with mostly non sense.


Feb. 27, 2017
The Oscar for most histrionic and shallow Anti-Trump Screed goes to...