Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Used to it...

Slide 5 of 55: The News in Cartoons

I see...

Slide 4 of 55: The News in Cartoons

The Rorschach Inkblot test was not originally intended to be a projective measure of personality. Instead, it was meant to produce a profile of people with schizophrenia (or other mental disorders) based upon score frequencies. Rorschach himself was skeptical of his test being used as a projective measure.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Rumor Mill...

Image result for kavanaugh  fake reporting by Media cartoon
The wild and reckless reporting has been extraordinary, even by the media’s increasingly low standards.

NBC published a social media post by one of Ford’’s classmates, Christina King Miranda, saying: This incident did happen. Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly....  but very quickly, the classmate deleted her post and admitted to not knowing what took place. NBC later had to revise the story.

 The New York Times made its own mess. The Times reported that Mark Judge, the second man named in Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh, had confirmed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he did recall the episode. Never happened and NYT recanted the story.

Three different outlets framed a joke that Kavanaugh made three years ago as being a subtle admittance to Ford’s allegations.

Speaking to a public forum at Columbus Law School, he said, “what happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep.” When watched in its entirety, it is abundantly clear that Kavanagh is completely joking. It was the dean of the school that reminded him of the phrase.

But that didn’t matter. MSNBC, CNN, and Politico presented the clip as somehow evidence that Kavanaugh is guilty or hiding something egregious.  

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, then referenced the clip in a tweet .  “I can’t imagine any parent...…   [The Daily Signal- Jarrett Stepman]


The cartoonist's homepage, pnj.com/opinion
It is deficult enough to report a sexual assault or harassment as it happened. Then after forty years, the issue becomes fussy, the emotions may have been still their. But who remember what, When and where?

Many would like to be the center of the attention. All  of a sudden, some remember it as if it happened yesterday.  The smart one don't remember the eightys.

On the other hand the Media would like to report or make money off someone' s misfortun. So everyone is digging as much dirt on any body to make a boring story, more boring.

Let us analyse the ignorance of the teens for what it's worth. Let us not try a case in the Media 40 years later. It is not fair for us. We had enough boredom in our lives. 


The cartoonist's homepage, indystar.com/opinion/varvel

The Democrats, the Republicans, the Media, the various stories and accusation ...


The cartoonist's homepage, knoxnews.com/opinion/charlie-daniel