Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Fat or fiction? Dispelling the myths around this vital nutrient

Good fats are needed by the body as they help us to absorb certain nutrients, regulate hormone production and help the growth and repair of tissue. The body does not make essential fatty acids by itself, so it’s really important to consume ‘good’ fats found in flaxseeds and walnuts.

The brain is made up of 60% fat, with brain tissue mostly comprised of the essential omega 3 fatty acid DHA, which supports optimal cognitive function. These are most commonly found in fish. An alternative idea is taking omega 3 supplement.

Coconut oil is a type of saturated fat, which is converted into pure energy by the body rather than being stored as fat. As well as providing energy, coconut oil won’t cause a spike to your blood sugar levels.

‘Trans-fats’ are the type of fats to avoid at all costs, as these are the only type of fat to cause weight gain.  The largest and most concerning source of trans-fats in a person’s diet today is found in baked goods, margarine, snacks, and fried food.

Trans-fats can cause insulin resistance, inflammation as well as significantly raise the risk of serious diseases such as heart disease.

Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids include anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant and insulin-sensitising effects.     Just a thought.

Out There...*

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While on Philadelphia Sports Radio Station 97.5 the Fanatic, Barkley condemned Ferguson protestors who looted local businesses. "Those aren't black people, those are scumbags," the media personality said.

"In fairness, there are some black people out there who are crooks. And when the police come to your neighborhood, it's a tense situation. The only time you interact with the cops is when things are going wrong...We, as black people, got a lot of crooks."

"We've always had a racial issue in this country, and the biggest problem is we never discuss race until something bad happens. We never have meaningful dialogue over a cold beer when things are going good. But what happens is, when something bad happens, everybody has a tribe mentality. Everybody wants to protect their own tribe--right or wrong."

Barkley also called out black people who think they're never to blame in controversial incidents: "To sit there and act like we (black people) hold no responsibility for some of this stuff is disingenuous."

Risk It...*

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Marsha Reynolds, 32, a JetBlue flight attendant allegedly tried to smuggle nearly 60 pounds of cocaine through Los Angeles International Airport. She was not flying in the capacity of a flight attendant at the time of the incident.
Before the bags were even opened, she utilized her track skills to flee the airport. 
A grand jury returned an indictment finding "probable cause" of the crime. During the hearing, Reynolds' hands and feet were chained as her mother, father and pastor read a Bible while sitting in the audience.

Reynolds was initially granted $500,000 bail in a Brooklyn court.  If convicted, Reynolds could face 10 years to life in prison.

She is a former beauty pageant contestant and has been a New York-based JetBlue employee for six years. She is also a full-time nursing student. So why risk it.      Just a thought.  


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Sunday, April 8, 2018


Relationship Comic II by JHALLpokemon


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Image result for syria

I hear the Media talking about how horrible President of Syria is. "He killed many of his people".

Does this justifies the images we see?  
Is our interference in Syria by, the Arabs, Europeans and Americans helped save lives? or just accelerated and broadened the killing  poor people?
 Any clean hands? Any clean conscious?

Saturday, April 7, 2018


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Several people were killed when a van drove into a crowd of pedestrians in the German city of Muenster. The police said  there are "deaths and injuries" and askthe people to stay out of the area.  The driver of the car killed himself.
The driver plowed into a crowd of people gathered around the Kiepenkerl statue in Muenster's historic old town, according to Der Spiegel, the German magazine.
Police, looking for explosives, had mounted an operation at the Kiepenkerl restaurant, a popular gathering place for locals and tourists, according to Spiegel.
 "We are in mourning for the victims and the injured," said Erich Rettinghaus, chairman of the German Police Union in the city.