Give and take is the core principle of a successful marriage.
Giving and taking encompasses the whole of a marriage, from household chores to intimacy. One can't do all the taking or the giving. One can't give a little to get a lot.
Children create new relationships that force parents to give more and more. If you ran out of things to give, go out, get something to give some more.
Marriage needs a lot of work, a lot to give until you can take something if any. The "give" part is upfront, immediate, and sizeable, while the take is down the road, maybe.
Give and take is a sensitive balance and should be rebalanced frequently depending on the social changes.
Many think that a bird in a hand is worth two in the bush. The question is Worth to Whom?
What to give and how much?
Here is John Legend's song You give me all of you ....
Just a thought.