Sunday, August 20, 2017


Image result for superfood

We’ve all heard the expression “shop the perimeter of the store.” But if you skip the middle, you’re missing out on a wealth of wholesome, delicious food choices. Your supermarket shelves are filled with hidden treasures that you shouldn’t pass up. Like beans, one of the most neglected and under-valued items.

Beans provide myriad health benefits, and they fit into several different food groups: Although they are rich in complex carbs like breads and starches, as a plant-based food, they feel right at home in the vegetable group, offering an array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, like their veggie companions.

They can also hold their own in the protein group, supplying protein aplenty. Unlike some other members of this group, beans provide little to no fat and are cholesterol-free. In fact, beans actually lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels instead of potentially causing them to increase, as some animal proteins have been shown to do.

Though they’ve been around for centuries, beans are a modern-day superfood. Why? Let’s count the ways.


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Double trouble...


Philadelphia is one of the poorest large cities in the country. And it's the city with the worst deep poverty rate in the U.S., with roughly 185,000 people (including 60,000 kids) living on incomes below half of the federal poverty line.

With that, homelessness is on the rise, and the city doesn't have enough resources to be there for everyone.   Owner Mason Wartman, who left his Wall Street desk job to open the shop, says pay-it-forward pizza started with one customer, one dollar, and one Post-it note.

The customer was inspired by an Italian coffee house practice called caffè sospeso (suspended coffee), by which customers can pre-purchase cups of coffee for less fortunate customers.
Wartman wrote the purchase on a Post-it and slapped it on the wall behind the register to be redeemed by the next homeless patron to enter the store.

As word spread, more and more customers participated. And Rosa's wall blossomed with colorful notes signifying acts of kindness and a guaranteed slice for everyone who walked in, regardless of their ability to pay.

Rosa's has provided nearly 70,000 pizza slices to needy Philadelphians. And it's having a remarkable impact on the community, showing not only that acts of kindness can be contagious, but also how a small gesture of support can have a ripple effect of positivity.  


Image result for bernie sanders bird

Image result for bernie sanders birdie


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Saturday, August 19, 2017


 PHOTO: Protesters face off with riot police escorting conservative activists following a march in Boston against a planned Free Speech Rally, Aug. 19, 2017, in Boston.

One week after violent protests rattled Charlottesville, Virginia, a scheduled free speech rally in Boston was met with thousands of counter protesters, but the day went off mostly smoothly, police said.
The free speech rally was deemed "officially over" by police ahead of its official end time, but thousands of counter protesters continued to spread out in the city throughout the afternoon, with some protesting peacefully but others confronting officers and people.

A total of 33 arrests were made today, mostly from disorderly conduct and a few assaults on police officers. Police Commissione said that some urine-filled bottles were thrown at officers, and police indicated on Twitter that some demonstrators were throwing rocks at police. After the free speech event has concluded, counter protesters still swarmed Boston this afternoon, and riot police also responded in the city.

An organizer of the free speech event said the group has no affiliation with the white supremacists involved in the violence in Charlottesville.


 Democratic mayoral debate will only feature two candidates

Only two candidates will be on stage in the first debate of the mayoral race thanks to new rules Mayor de Blasio signed into law in December excluding the longest-shot contenders.

Sal Albanese stands to benefit by being the sole challenger on stage with the mayor.

The mayor’s campaign spokesman:
“Under Mayor de Blasio crime is at record lows, jobs are at record highs, and New York City is building affordable housing at a record pace.

But what about the Subway system that deteriorated dramatically during De Blasio's term?
Two Millions riders daily have their time of transportation expanded significantly.  Just a thought.